Showing posts with label A-. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A-. Show all posts

Gridy Blogger Template

Gridy Blogger Template

Gridy Blogger Template
Gridy template for blogger is a goody.  This template is brought to us by the great Sora Templates.  With that name you know its going to be good and SEO friendly.  Besides those two characteristics you are going to find that this template is a little different all around because in a way its almost universal or as much  universal as a template can be.  So to back up that claim, let us point out that it can be many things like a Magazine, only this magazine is not styled like your normal mags.  Once you browse through demo template you will understand why.  Next, It can also double as a personal blogger template because of the way the feed is laid out.  It does not feature a sidebar on the main page nor places for ads, just a place for the pic or video, word exert, author and comment count.  If you dive into the posts however, you will see that it has place for ads.  There is two menus on the homepage as well as social icons to follow your mag or personal.  A search bar to find your many posts.  A great idea for this template would be to create a viral video blog website.  Enjoy.
Name: Gridy Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates

Cinema Blogger Template

Cinema Blogger Template

Cinema Blogger Template
Cinema template for blogger is brought to us by Sora Templates.  Its a great template if you are in the video hosting business or trailers for movies linking.  Its great because everything you want to share will have a thumb of what is shown and usually you can find the cover for the movie to show weather it be the full movie or the trailer or the soon to come features.  There are lots of movie buffs out there and a site like this would do good in its time however you need the template to start it.  Once you ad the movies they are there to stay unless it is removed by google, vimeo, etc.  These sites were very popular in the MegaUpload era however you can still have a successful go at it if you bring lots of content and or links to videos.
Name: Cinema Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates

Sora Flavour Blogger Template

Sora Flavour Blogger Template

sora flavour blogger template
Sora Flavour template is a great template that comes with some amazing features.  First, the name flavor indicates that its going to have a variety of choices to choose from.  It has a little bit of everything from color to elegance to magazine to personal.  It features a left sidebar and posts to the right.  The right post feed can host your picture or video thats going to be in the post for viewing daily updates if they don't take up the whole page.  It has both a square theme and a circle theme you will notice and a flickr feed for those images.  Use it for a photo template for your thriving photo business then.  With all of that being said, it has the normal features any good template would like an author section, related posts, comments and about pages.  Its Sora Template so you know the Flavour is going to be good!
Name: Sora Flavour Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates

Daily News Blogger Template

Daily News Blogger Template

daily news blogger template
Breaking news! Breaking News! We have a great new template from Sora Templates and if you have a news website, then you're in luck.  The template is called Daily News and it does just that and more.  Being from Sora Templates, you should know its already good and has everything you need and we could end it at that but we'll brag on their behalf for a bit.  The site name banner for this template screams out your site. It  has two menus one for credits and contacts etc. and the other for your content and yes that is drop down.  With many feature sections on the front including the slider with a picture and caption, it will leave your visitors with more than enough options to choose from.  Once inside the posts its full width page so you can read without it being cluttered or go right to sentence after sentence.  Cool and easy comment system.  Truly one of the better templates.
Name: Breaking News Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates
Similar Template: Mazaya Blogger Template

Brickyard Blogger Template

Brickyard Blogger Template

brickyard blogger template
Brickyard is a favorite template that is now available for the blogger/BlogSpot platform.  Original made wordpress, it made the switch.  Brickyard is like a breath of fresh air on the internet.  It features crisp look symmetrical posts with a sturdy menu, great popular and related posts.  Its fully customizable so what you see is not all that you get.  It can feature a video on the homepage for post previews as well as pictures.  Use this for the news, viral video or just your personal.  A great all around template for blogger.
Name: Brickyard Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Similar Template: MineZine Blogger Template

Zenzero Blogger Template

Zenzero Blogger Template

The Zen is simple and easy to follow, its a big power if you use it right and that is just what this template can do for you.  One may look at this template as simple and minimal, maybe just for personal blogging but its so much more.  The menu at the top can hold many different pathways and or categories to your site and you can deliver them in an orderly fashion.  Maybe they are quick updates with a pic or a full article with a movie, whatever it is you can display it here.  Share on the main page each post or dive right in.  This template is simple but strong. 
Name: Zenzero Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot

Organic Theme Blogger Template

Organic Theme Blogger Template

organic theme blogger template
When you find yourself asking how something Organic can have so much in a blogger theme template, just look at this one here.  Organic theme template for blogger has about everything besides the kitchen sink.  Do you have a tech blog? This is for you.  Do you write news article about tech or viral things happening? The new release of the iPhone, the sell of beats by Dre to Apple for a Billion? You may want this template to present that content and all of your content.  Much like the tech blogs out there this will catch your visitors just by sheer design and then impress them by the content and the post because you can customize it all and there is so many features its almost unreal.  Its truly a template in which everything and every little detail complement each other and helps the next thing function and look good. 
Name: Organic Theme Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templatezy


Optimal Blogger Template

Optimal Blogger Template

optimal blogger template
Optimal blogger template is a great new blogger layout for this year.  Most templates get their names from some kind of characteristic they posses and this one is no different.  Optimal template has optimal use in what you need for your content.  Its your tool to help optimize the web.  The template has a catchy professional design without being too cluttered.  The presentation on your content is very nice.  Visitors to your site will see that it new and bending some of the old layout rules for templates as it will have two side bars with labels at the top left corner of one and popular posts to the right.  Its a full width template with great posts that is photo, video and sound cloud friendly.  Although it has social icons for the sites social media pages it does however lack social share widgets in the post.  This however can be fixed from a simple social share gadget such as this one here.  Besides that, its a nice template for your blogger site.
Name: Optimal Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: TemplateClue