Showing posts with label Photo Template. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo Template. Show all posts

Vanesa Blogger Template

Vanesa Blogger Template
Minimal Elegant Magazine Blogger Template

Vanesa Blogger Template
Vanesa blogger template is a great minimal elegant magazine blogger design.  Fashion website owners, look no further for your next template.  New fashion bloggers, you have just found your first template for your first site.  Just because this design fits so well for fashion however does not mean that it has to be used for fashion.  This is an all around great multi purpose template that could be used for any kind of niche that needs to be elegant and bold.  Maybe its furniture or maybe its some kind of tech website or maybe just a black and white photography portfolio.  Whatever it is, this design can make the best for it.  The menu on this is also a dropdown and when you have a great menu that is also a dropdown that means it can organize categories well which is the basic need for a magazine theme.  So that means you can go ahead and use this for any kind of magazine you wish.  If you are in transition from tumblr to blogger, no need to fear because the three column feed gives it the tumblr feel.  This template has a great featured slider, a fantastic right sidebar and related posts.  You could ask for much more!

Sinesis Blogger Template

Sinesis Blogger Template
Trendy Multi Purpose Blogger Template

senesis Blogger Template
Sinesis blogger template is a professional trendy theme.  This template is brought to us by Soratemplates and every detail has been covered.  We cant stress how much great work was put into the template with the design and fonts that combine together to make such a trendy professional multipurpose blogger template.  Want a perfect template to promote your trendy brand? here it is.  Want a template that promotes your company or just a really good personal or travel blog?  Look no further.  Want a template that could host viral articles and news and double as a magazine?  Then you got it here.   Even more to the package it comes SEO ready and very secure.  This simple design is fast loading and will put you in the ranks with the best of them.  Sinesis comes in true black and white however the pictures are in color.  It has everything you need to function as a great magazine including a dropdown menu.  Social connect, related posts and featured post sliders are just some of what you get with this great template.  Be sure to grab this one. We are saving this into our favorite templates. 

Sparkle Blogger Template

Sparkle Blogger Template
Photo and Portfolio Blogger Template

sparkle blogger template
Sparkle blogger template is a great blogger design based on pinterest and tumblr layouts.  If you are a fan of either of the sites then you are going to love this template.  This is a great full width and responsive template mean to get some quick page views and keep the visitor scrolling down to the next page buttons.  Sparkle can hold many video platform and all the major ones of course like youtube, vimeo, etc.  It can hold pictures and is geared towards that. Its also soundcloud friendly.  Don't let any specific niche hold you back with this template as it can be used for many things like travel, personal, viral videos, etc. you name it and it can be done.  Although it is a right sidebar template once your in the post, you can access the main menu on the left pull out menu.  Social sharing can be done on the preview thumb and inside the post with the standard blogger share buttons.  Author spot and ads to fit in the sidebar makes this template a cool one to use. 

iGallery Blogger Template

iGallery Blogger Template
Photo and Portfolio Blogger Template

iGallery Blogger Template
iGallery blogger template is a great template for those who need a website that can be paged through.  When we say paged through, we mean a website that holds photos or something and can be seen from page to page rather quick.  It can also be articles or anything you would like but a gallery fits in perfect.  This template can be customized very easy so that you can change the background or fonts to fit the vibe of your pictures or products etc.  The main page holds multiple posts, the menu, title and description.  Dive into the posts and you can social share the photos.  Author signature, suggested posts and right sidebar that can hold anything a sidebar can.  There is also footer section to hold what the sidebar cant.  Responsive, SEO friendly, browser compatible, simple design, three column and ad ready.

Trend Mag Blogger Template

Trend Mag Blogger Template
Responsive Fashion Magazine Blogger Template

Trend Mag Blogger Template
Trend Mag Blogger Template is a unique template in that it can be used for more than just a fashion blog however, it does make one great fashion blog.  Trend mag has a great layout and is similar to that of the tumblr layout themes.  It will feature a main picture and then a preview of the post and show up on the main page however it wont be symmetrically posted but rather in uneven spots here and there which gives the feeling that its a true feed and updated all the time.  You can get this template with another feed so that's three feeds on the main page or you can have the third feed become a right sidebar that will hold labels, popular posts, about the author and even ads.  A cool feature about this template is that it features a mega dropdown in which it is actually more like another post feed that comes from the drop down menu.  Try it, you'll like it.  The posts are normal posts with social share buttons and related posts buttons at the bottom.  Flickr image feed for all the fashion pictures you may take and host.  Big footer slots for whatever you want, you probably know how to use em.  Sticky menu. Elegant and clean look.  If you own a fashion blog, give this one a try! its worth it.
Name: Trend Mag Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors

Best Viral Website Templates

Best Templates for Viral Video and Trending Websites  
Free Blogger Template for Viral Video and Trending Websites

Sora Buzz Blogger Template
Viral Media Sharing Website
sora buzz blogger template

Ad Mag Blogger Template
News and Viral Media Blogger Magazine
ad mag blogger template magazine

Socio Blogger Template
Viral Media Website
socio blogger template viral website

Maxblog Viral Blogger Template

maxblog free blogger template sora
Maxblog for blogger is a treat of a template for a viral website and we are glad to host it. Do you like and many of the other trending viral video sites? Well if the answer is yes, then you can make your own too! With this template you can show off your list of viral videos and or articles in a one page display. With the picture preview for the article your visitors can scroll and choose at what they want to view. The social sharing is amazing and the posts are wide and video friendly. If you have guest posters from all over the word because your site gets so popular, there is a spot for them to show who they are along with a related post spot below that. You could not ask for anything more as its already ad ready. Maxblogger is a great template that could simply change your site around for the better.

PinPress Blogger Template
Minimal Viral Blogger Template
pinpress blogger template

Sora Gag Blogger Template
Multipurpose Blogger Template
Sora Gag Blogger Template

Sora Style Viral Blogger Template
sora style blogger template free

Sora Style may just be the king of the templates in the BlogSpot world. If its not then its pretty close. Sora Style is simply stunning when it comes to the design, and user quality. It rivals some of the best viral websites out there. Ever wonder why your site doesn't look like the cool ones you have viewed or ever wish you could design one of the viral magazine sites but can't code well. Here is your chance to get in the cool crowd of websites with this template. Its featured section is well proportioned with your daily content to follow. The blue and white go together well and create an inviting atmosphere. It has a sticky menu so however far down the page you can hop to another section just like that. Bring lots of content to this one because it can take it!

 Toniq Viral Blogger Template
toniq blogger template
Toniq template for blogger is outstanding. Picture a sophisticated cool summer night with a pinch of high class in the air. Now picture someone who lives that building a template and what they would build is Toniq template. With the feel of a gin and toniq, this template is not only clean and crisp but fresh and sophisticated too. It can make a great viral video site because the template can hold thumbs that will display good pictures and video previews. Maybe you have seen a viral video site with the same layout? Maybe its a magazine for mens clothing and accessories or simply highlights the lifestyle of the rich and famous or maybe even tracks your favorite esquire or A&E shows. Whatever it may be, make sure it has a sense of boldness and richness to pull off the look it was designed for. Of course it is the type of template that could double as a mag or viral video with articles website. Then world is the limit and for those that take advantage, this is for you. It has a great featured section with an ultimate blog feed and category section. Sticky menu? Got it. Diving into the post its full length with no edge in site so it can be a true responsive compatible. Social share? Check. Facebook and blogger comments? For sure. A flawless template is all we need to say here. 
Damn Lol Viral Blogger Template
viral blogger template

Damn LOL. That's the name of this template that is pretty dang funny. Something that sounds like a response to a text is actually an awesome blogger template for funny pictures and or videos. Today, viral websites are trending all over with people jumping from one to another looking at a few posts and moving on. Join the crowd of bloggers who put up viral content for a living. With Damn lol template it will put you right in the middle of the game caught up to the rest. This template is also SEO friendly because its not used for text as much you can still place alt tags for Google images. With no place for words, it has a pager in the image to go back and forth. Of course the traffic is all about social sharing so with the template comes the floating social share bar with all the right social media sites so that after one click your site is out there. Enjoy. 

Blogable Elegant Blogger Template

Blogable Elegant Blogger Template

elegant blogger template

Blogable Elegant template for blogger is one sleek design. This template has a different kind of elegance to it and that's because it presents itself as a bold elegance. Your first thought about the free template might not be that its elegant but once you look a little closer you will see it perfect. The colors, the squares the fonts and the minimal design aspect to the look is what bringing it into the elegance world. The dark grey of shade, the bold capital fonts and square feel bring it into the world of boldness. With a combination of both this responsive template is truly limitless. The fact that it has dropdowns in its main menu and a hidden menu sidebar that you can access from the top right corner says this template is multi purpose which means you can use it for anything from a tech start up homepage, magazine website, viral video sharing, fashion blog or even a product review site. Bring your won tools though because you can add on lots of things it may need later like a place for ads when all the traffic comes in. Lets not forget to add that it makes for a great travel, photography template.

Name: Blogable Elegant Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SeoBloggerTemplates
Installation: How To Install Blogable Elegant Blogger Template

Damn LOL Viral Blogger Template

Damn Lol Viral Blogger Template

viral blogger template
Damn LOL.  That's the name of this template that is pretty dang funny.  Something that sounds like a response to a text is actually an awesome blogger template for funny pictures and or videos.  Today, viral websites are trending all over with people jumping from one to another looking at a few posts and moving on.  Join the crowd of bloggers who put up viral content for a living.  With Damn lol template it will put you right in the middle of the game caught up to the rest.  This template is also SEO friendly because its not used for text as much you can still place alt tags for Google images.  With no place for words, it has a pager in the image to go back and forth.  Of course the traffic is all about social sharing so with the template comes the floating social share bar with all the right social media sites so that after one click your site is out there.  Enjoy.
Name: Damn LOL Viral Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templateism

Swift Blogger Template

Swift Blogger Template

swift blogger template from sora
Swift template for blogger is a great theme.  When you get named swift, there is a reason for that.  The reason Sora Templates named this one Swift is because it loads very swift.  The SEO and page load quality this template has is amazing.  No more waiting for the content to load or page lagging.  Usually when you have good quality in one area, it means you gave up something in another but this is not the case with Swift.  This great template also has great design, pop back featured images and a very modern design.  The main menu is a drop down with categories allowing you to create a magazine blog if you wish.  Right sidebar with all the goodies that come with a sidebar including author box.  Social share right from the first page without diving into the post which is great for travel blogs, food or just cool pictures.  The social follow feed and image feed are awesome put together especially the font.  This template can bring great fun so enjoy.
Name: Swift Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates

Acacia Blogger Template

Acacia Blogger Template

Acacia blogger template
Acacia template for blogger is a great design brought to us by the great Sora.  Acacia is a minimal template design which means that it's perfect for bloggers who write about fashion trends, beauty and grooming products, clothes and anything girly.  It's also elegant which allows for it to be a multipurpose template using it for food, travel and personal or food and travel.  Since it does feature a top menu with dropdown categories, it could also be used for a magazine template if you wish however, you would have to be an excelled blogger for that style.  The last use for Acacia template could be a personal and daily update type of blog for you, friends, family or maybe them all.   The great thing about minimal templates is that you can always add things to make it something even more than it is.  Since there is lots of space being its a minimal template design, the pictures are big and especially the featured slider images.  The post images are of great size too, highlighting why it makes for such a good travel or food blog.  Acacia features an 'about me' slot, right sidebar, social share, comments, author box, suggested posts, flickr feed and popular posts.  Overall, Acacia is a clean, minimal, elegant and powerful template.  Enjoy. 

Publisher Blogger Template

Publisher Blogger Template

Publisher theme is a great free blogger template.  Publisher can hold the big content like the rest of them but in a more elegant and minimal way.  This template was designed to be part old school one column blogger with some certain touches of customized features that makes it a great template for blogging now days.  Its a true multipurpose template that has a blog feed toward the center and almost reminds you of a newspaper.  The blog feed is accompanied by a sticky menu that hovers above it so that you can always navigate to where you want to be.  Publisher templates sticky menu is customized so that the feature posts are dropdown thumbs and the rest of the site is a regular drop down to choose from.  The feature image or video can be viewed and shared without diving into the post however if you do go into the post on this template you will see everything in at center there too.  The picture/video, words, author box, related post, social share and even the comments.  This template would make great for a new style online newspaper or something trend setting.  If your into minimal, clean and elegant that can pack a punch, this one is for you! Enjoy.
Name: Publisher Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templateism

Clean Mag Blogger Template

Clean Mag Template for Blogger is setting trends this year and is awesome doing it.  Now days online its common to run into magazines and viral content.  Some people run into so much that they decide to build their own site to host such content.  The smart ones that want to set some trends and show how to be different and futuristic will choose this template.  Clean mag blog bring a sense of elegance and clean feeling to a possible website that should be cluttered and filled with content.  Maybe you have a magazine for clean people who need to have a clean layout to fit their clean lifestyle.  This is it.  The layout is bold with color to complement but are also not the traditional matching matching.  The letters and words come out as bold which complements well with the square feeling of this template.  Its a full width layout for the posts and a sticky menu.  Great template for great content.

Clean Magazine Blogger Template

clean mag blogger template
Name: Clean Mag Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates

Gridy Blogger Template

Gridy Blogger Template

Gridy Blogger Template
Gridy template for blogger is a goody.  This template is brought to us by the great Sora Templates.  With that name you know its going to be good and SEO friendly.  Besides those two characteristics you are going to find that this template is a little different all around because in a way its almost universal or as much  universal as a template can be.  So to back up that claim, let us point out that it can be many things like a Magazine, only this magazine is not styled like your normal mags.  Once you browse through demo template you will understand why.  Next, It can also double as a personal blogger template because of the way the feed is laid out.  It does not feature a sidebar on the main page nor places for ads, just a place for the pic or video, word exert, author and comment count.  If you dive into the posts however, you will see that it has place for ads.  There is two menus on the homepage as well as social icons to follow your mag or personal.  A search bar to find your many posts.  A great idea for this template would be to create a viral video blog website.  Enjoy.
Name: Gridy Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates