Sinesis Blogger Template

Sinesis Blogger Template
Trendy Multi Purpose Blogger Template

senesis Blogger Template
Sinesis blogger template is a professional trendy theme.  This template is brought to us by Soratemplates and every detail has been covered.  We cant stress how much great work was put into the template with the design and fonts that combine together to make such a trendy professional multipurpose blogger template.  Want a perfect template to promote your trendy brand? here it is.  Want a template that promotes your company or just a really good personal or travel blog?  Look no further.  Want a template that could host viral articles and news and double as a magazine?  Then you got it here.   Even more to the package it comes SEO ready and very secure.  This simple design is fast loading and will put you in the ranks with the best of them.  Sinesis comes in true black and white however the pictures are in color.  It has everything you need to function as a great magazine including a dropdown menu.  Social connect, related posts and featured post sliders are just some of what you get with this great template.  Be sure to grab this one. We are saving this into our favorite templates. 


  1. hello! how do i get the photo slider?

    1. You have to make sure you have enough posts and posts with pictures. Also you need to tag the posts you want in slider with the following tag:"featured" ...without the quotes. Try that.

  2. Thanks loads! Is there any way i can make the blog title bigger?

  3. I would suggest making a picture for your title and placing the picture there instead of title but have it say the same thing . or you can edit the html size but save your template always before editing html.

    1. Im sorry im quite a newbie at this...if its not too much trouble could you tell me which part of the html should i edit?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Usually it's h1 tag but I don't know what your tags are set at . best I can tell you right now is google for a help page . can help you more but not at computer now just phone .

    1. Alright then! If you have the time could you check cause i've got a title image but no idea how to align it...

  6. Nvm its alright thank you so much for your help!
