Showing posts with label Black and White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black and White. Show all posts

Deep Blog Blogger Template

Deep Blog Template
A template for personal Blogging Websites

Deep Blog Blogger Template

Deep Blog Blogger template is a great new template for personal websites.  If you want to gain followers right away then this design will definitely catch them in.  Some people judge a blog first on the way it looks and then keep coming back because the content is good.  Want to hook visitors in and give them a chance at your content.  Having this template will assure you readers will give your blog a try.  Deep Blog has everything from social follow icons, about us page, social like counter, related posts, social share, three comment platform and that's just a starter list.  We want you to check out more by checking out this template.  Use the free version above or buy the premium from the creator's site.  Either way it will get you blogging in the direction you want!

Author Premium Version Page:  Sora Templates Deep Blog Blogger Template

Voux Blogger Template

Voux Blogger Template
Elegant Responsive Blogger Theme
voux responsive blogger template
Voux Blogger template is the must have theme for the elegant bloggers.   Are you a mommy blogger and need a new layout?  Here you go.  Are you a traveler and want to show off your picture but need a high class template to show off those high class places?  Here it is.  How about a fashion blogger or even a lifestyle blogger and you want to show off your life.  Maybe one day your blogging and you write about a recipe for a must have dish.  Maybe the next day you write about a fashion deal and show off your new clothing.  This is the template to help your site be able to show those things in a great way.  Full width and responsive.  Social share from the front pages and inside. Picture feed. Right sidebar. Related posts.  It has it all so use this one and change your website while you bring in lots of new readers.
Author Premium Page: Themexpose Voux Blogger Template

Life Fashion Blogger Template

life fashion blogger template
Life Fashion Template
Fashion Magazine Blogger Theme

Life Fashion blogger template lives up to its name by being one great template for the fashion blog world.  If you want a template that is just a stylish as the clothes or accessories you will show off then look no further because this one has it all and then some.  This mostly white template shows off its elegance by the white and lots of free space like a clean room.  The color it does have pops out and tells you what the posts are about and the font is just as stylish too.  It has a great menu at the top that is also the social menu.  Centered title and description in the middle below the menu and a great featured post section of three large posts and thumbs that come to life when hovered over.  You will surely be taken seriously in the fashion world with this look to your blogger website. The posts are able to social share from the outside and inside. Related posts and a right sidebar come standard however the right sidebar is a premium look. Life Fashion comes ad ready, social share ready, newsletter sign up and so much more.  To all fashion bloggers, get this now!

Food Blog Theme Blogger

food blogger theme template
Food Blogger Theme Template
For Food Blogger Websites

Are you a food lover and looking for a template to start your own recipe website?  Then look no further because you have just found the great and only food blogger theme that you will need.  Some of us in the blogging world can start blogging and miss out on tons of repeat visitor simply because the design was not good enough to convince the reader the site has proper authority and the great thing about Food Blogger Theme is that you wont have to worry about this problem at all.  The site design is so well done that it gives it professional credit right away so that it will snag in readers from the start however you should not rely on that to get your traffic stats up and up.  Once you have caught a reader attention you have to keep them interested by good content and once the read a page they can usually tell if the rest of the site is going to be beneficial to them or not and so you have to make whatever you write good and if its recipes, you better make sure that food turn out great.  The cool thing about this templates is that it comes in black and white and with color photos that will feel like they are jumping off the page, you can have them help you do some of the talking.  However good this template is for a food blog, it will also make for a great lifestyle, travel, personal, fashion blog too.  One of the better features about this template is it focuses on the newsletter sign up by offering it in two places, one at the top and one in the right sidebar.  Food Blogger theme comes ready with social sharing and a drop down menu, SEO friendly, responsive, browser compatible, related posts, and the all mighty powerful three platform comment system including Facebook, Disqus and Blogger.   If you have a food theme, this is one of those templates you don't want to pass up.

Inspiro Blogger Templates

inspiro blogger templates
Inspiro Blogger Templates
Responsive Girl Blogger Template

Inspiro blogger templates is a great template for your blogger website.  If you a little pink mixed in with your responsive template, then this one is for you.  Its geared towards a girl blogger template or girly themed but you can have it for anything like fashion or accessories.  Use it to blog about anything or make a magazine about the latest gossip in the celebrity world because whatever you do, its going to look good.  This is because its a true multi purpose responsive blogger template.  Its comes stock with a fixed sticky menu that also is a dropdown menu, social icon menu and search bar.  Below is your fixture of a puzzle like featured section where the pictures/posts are bunched together like a collage but are separate posts.  The regular blog feed below can hold video as previews, show you who wrote it and when and last but not least the category.  Most of the template you have to see to believe because its just amazing. Inside the posts its laid out professionally with pictures at the top or videos and then the content with social share placed in the middle a the bottom. Related posts and author spot ready.  Right sidebar ready.  Ad ready.  Responsive.  Browser Compatible.  Pink.  Black.  White.  Its everything your looking for if you are looking for a girly blogger template. 

Vanilia Blogger Template

vanilia blogger template
Vanilia Blogger Template
Lifestyle Blogger Template

Vanilia blogger template is your next great black and white lifestyle theme for your blogspot website.  Although the pictures on here are girly it can be both for male and females.  The layout would invite a nice fashion blog and mens or womens fashion accessories.  However that it may be best used for fashion or lifestyle, any true blogger would know that there is so much flexibility with templates now days and can be used for other niches as well.  Because the thumbs and picture preview are big on here, you can use it for travel or photography as well.  Its very user friendly and easy to navigate with the sticky menu.  Vanilia template stock with a right sidebar for your many gadgets, related posts to keep your visitors paging through your website, author section for people to know who wrote the article and social sharing both from the main page and within the post.  Its minimal, elegant, clean, responsive and multi purpose.  

Sally Blogger Template

sally blogger template
Sally Blogger Template
Personal Minimal Blogger Template

Sally template for blogger is a great personal blogger template.  Although it is made for blog websites other than magazines, you can use it for a magazine website too if you would like and it would fit in just fine although it would have to be a minimal magazine.  This black and white template is great for personal or one niche websites because of the features it has.  It could be used for personal, fashion, beauty, travel, cooking or photography.  The reason why is that lots of these website topics will feature and image and this template has a great lightbox feature which means the rest of the website will go dark and the image will pop out and become the focus of the page.  Its a great feature and any photographer will appreciate it. The cool thing about the menu on this template is that its featured on the top right corner and is a dropdown so that you can organize your categories accordingly. Below that is the great featured post section of four and then into the one row of the normal blog feed.  The bottom of the template will hold the main page social follow for the website.  Diving into the posts the right sidebar will stay the same, you have the option to share each post on social media, related posts and comments top off this template. Get your great sally template!
  • Dropdown Menu
  • Responsive
  • Seo Friendly
  • Black and White
  • Right Sidebar
  • Browser Compatible
  • Lightbox
  • Related Posts
Author Premium Page: Sally Blogger Template

Check My Style

Check My Style Blogger Template
Stylish Multi Purpose Responsive Blogger Template

check my style blogger template
Check my style blogger template is a great multi purpose theme.  This template is one of those templates where you can do anything to it and make it into anything.  Don't have a specific niche? Don't worry, with this one you don't need one.  Don't know what to write about? Don't worry, pictures and videos can do the talking.  If you want to make a travel blog, go ahead! If you want to make a fashion style blog, go ahead!  With the slider for the main featured posts and the dropdown menu you can even make a magazine website.  This template is truly elegant and stylish all in one.  You even get everything a normal blog would have like social sharing and this one even has an instagram feed so that you can share you latest pictures from the gram.  So go ahead and even make this a personal blog.  Minimal but very stylish, you cant go wrong here especially when it comes search engine optimized, responsive and browser compatible.  If you are looking for a simple to use template that will turn your site into anything but simple, check my style will work great for you!