Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Business. Show all posts

Magtimate Template

Magtimate Blogger Template
Ultimate Magazine Website

magtimate magazine blogger template
Would you like a website that offers your readers everything and makes it easy for them to use and navigate then Magtimate blogger template is here for you.  This template will turn your website into a top line professional looking magazine.  Its cool and masculine feel gives it an authority feel that is well designed.  Want drop downs to organize all your articles and make it that much more easy for readers to browse?  This has it.  You will also get a responsive design so that it fits on whatever device you are on.  The featured section is great and has its own personality that doesn't follow the crowd.  The normal blog feed is great so that you can catch up quick on the recent days of articles.  Social follow and social share are easy with our features in this template.  Want users to subscribe to a newsletter easy?  We have you covered with a news letter sign up widget. There so much more we could say but want you to see it for yourself so check it out!

Modern Blog Blogger Template

Modern Blog Blogger Template Responsive Article
Modern Blog Blogger Template
Responsive Viral Article Blogger Template
Modern Blog Blogger Template is a high tech looking responsive viral article sharing theme for BlogSpot websites.  This template is pristine, crisp, responsive and almost perfect like a great work of art.  Do you have viral articles, video and or pictures you would like to share and need a good site to do it on?  Modern blog has your covered because it the perfect fit and we'll tell you why.  The all around look and feel with colors, fonts and the right placement of sidebars, posts and the featured section is great and compares to none other when it comes to viral templates.  It has its own viral feel and sets itself apart by being a trend setter but also fitting in well with other blogs like it.  Its elegant yet informing and almost handsome.  If GQ featured a blogger template, this is what they would use.  It has a sticky menu that is also a dropdown to help you navigate the many categories you could fit into the template. The posts are display ever so elegantly and professional. The right sidebar is room for anything along with you social follow that will always be there.  Standard social share and related posts come on each post page. Responsive, SEO friendly, Browser Compatible and more.  If you want a template that is exiting and bold, modern blog is the one for you.

Author Premium Page: Sora Modern Blog Template

Web Design Blogger Template

Web Design Blogger Template
Basic Responsive SEO Blogger Template

web design blogger template
Web design blogger template is a great original blogger template.  This template makes its way onto the scene of design because it is a throw back style template and that is ok.  Because its a blast from the past, web design template is going to be very fast loading and great for personal blogging or business portfolios but not limited to just those.  Since its a more basic style layout this one can be great for travel, photography or just about anything you want however it would not be a good choice for a magazine.  Just because its old doesn't mean it cant hang with the cool crowed as it still features everything else a minimal one niche templates now day will feature.  It has a great menu and search bar, title space, right sidebar, one column blog feed, comments, featured post slider and author profile.  As the going says ' history repeats itself!'  So maybe this template will be the hot item one day. We said maybe... Enjoy.

Popcorn Blogger Template

Popcorn Blogger Template
Multimedia Niche Blogger Template

popcorn blogger template
Popcorn Blogger template is the best template out there for multimedia niche blogs.  We say that with strong conviction because of how crisp and clean the design is and how well it will deliver your content.  Weather its CDs, Movies, Dvds, Blu Rays or even full length movies, you can put them on your site with this template.  The slider will feature your new material that you just put on your site.  The dropdown menu can organize it well it into categories.  The search bar can help you find what you are looking for right away.  The post are designed to display a cover of a movie, cd, dvd or whatever it may be.  Inside the post there is room for the video or a write up review of the product at hand.  Genre sidebar and so much more! Seo friendly and responsive.  Fast loading and easy navigation. 

Daksh Blogger Template

Daksh Blogger Template
Personal or Business Newsletter Template

daksh blogger template
Daksh blogger template is a great template with uses for personal or business newsletter blogging. It can even be made into a great travel blog too.  This design makes it simple to post updates about your life and pictures to go with it.  Do you have a small business and would rather have your customers check out a quick update site aside from your main site?  Then use this to update the customers without having to bring them to you main site and navigate around to find out the latest scoop.  This template is made to turn a website into a true, quick update site. 

Indonesia Blogger Template

Indonesia Blogger Template
Article Magazine Blogger Template

Indonesia blogger template
The Indonesia blogger template is proving points and taking names.  When we say that, we mean that even free templates or their premium big brother is making the ways into the big times showing that these templates compete with any other website out there.  Don't beilive us?  Check out the site and see how well they have done with the Indonesia blogger template.  Research that site and see how much traffic hits they get in one day because if we told you, you would not beilive us.  This website is prime for lists, articles, news, net worths, anything viral.  The social sharing is huge on this one because lots of visitors will be sharing your articles. 

Blogus Blogger Template

Blogus Blogger Template
Timeless Magazine Blogger Template

blogus blogger template
Blogus Blogger Template is a professional responsive magazine template and is anything but blogus or bogus.  This template is a timeless piece of code that will turn your website content into a great magazine blog.  The great thing about blogus is the features it comes with such as a date and news ticker, latest post revolver, social share and site search with drop down menu all in the header part of the site.  The featured section fits together like a nice puzzle piece and is cool to see especially with magazine sites.  The posts are great and holds everything you needs and even has a bonus pop in suggested post box.  You can't go wrong with this template if you are looking for a magazine site.  Best of all this is an Seo friendly template. 

Blogging Blogger Template

Blogging Blogger Template
Elegant Home and Garden Blogger Template

blogging blogger template
Blogging Blogger Template is the perfect home and garden template for your blog website.  This elegant and inviting design will attract customers and give you the credit right away to show them you are a professional at what you do with home and gardening.  The design is flawless and your visitors will surely remember you.  You can share the post from the preview or dive in and share it also.  Great menu, colors and design.  It all complements each other so that blogging blogger template is a top of line template in its home and garden category.