Showing posts with label Two Column. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Two Column. Show all posts

Viral Mag

Viral Mag Template
Viral Media Content Magazine

viral mag blogger template

Viral Mag for Blogger is a standout template that is turning simple blogger sites into full functioning popular viral websites.  This template simply turns your viral content into an organized and clean way for your viewers to see all that you have to offer without looking cheap.  This professional design, look and feel will have you up there with the rest of the best ranking websites.  Bring your best content because this could put you in the runnings with the best.   All you need to do is download and plug it in.  Viral Mag template features a big search bar that is becoming more popular now days.  The main menu is a bold, easy to use dropdown menu.  The feature section pops out immediately which is great for the more popular or new articles and then is followed by a regular two column feed. Social share buttons, pagination and related suggested posts comes on each page along with a share counter.  Viral Mag is a must see. 


Meed Template
Multipurpose Modern Website

magazine blogger template

Meed template for blogger is a great theme to turn any bunch of words into a great full functioning modern website.  Although it helps to have a niche for visitors, you can use this to make whatever site you want from a technology news site, celebrity gossip, traveling, or just a bunch of your random thought and snips of your daily life.   The meed layout is going to give you credit right away based on the design and boldness as if you had a professional website business build it.  This template truly has it all from a search bar social menu to dropdown menus, related posts, newsletter subscription, a great featured section slider and we are just getting started.  Check out more and you wont be dissapointed. 

Author Premium Page:  Meed Template Sora Templates 

Deep Blog Blogger Template

Deep Blog Template
A template for personal Blogging Websites

Deep Blog Blogger Template

Deep Blog Blogger template is a great new template for personal websites.  If you want to gain followers right away then this design will definitely catch them in.  Some people judge a blog first on the way it looks and then keep coming back because the content is good.  Want to hook visitors in and give them a chance at your content.  Having this template will assure you readers will give your blog a try.  Deep Blog has everything from social follow icons, about us page, social like counter, related posts, social share, three comment platform and that's just a starter list.  We want you to check out more by checking out this template.  Use the free version above or buy the premium from the creator's site.  Either way it will get you blogging in the direction you want!

Author Premium Version Page:  Sora Templates Deep Blog Blogger Template

Magtimate Template

Magtimate Blogger Template
Ultimate Magazine Website

magtimate magazine blogger template
Would you like a website that offers your readers everything and makes it easy for them to use and navigate then Magtimate blogger template is here for you.  This template will turn your website into a top line professional looking magazine.  Its cool and masculine feel gives it an authority feel that is well designed.  Want drop downs to organize all your articles and make it that much more easy for readers to browse?  This has it.  You will also get a responsive design so that it fits on whatever device you are on.  The featured section is great and has its own personality that doesn't follow the crowd.  The normal blog feed is great so that you can catch up quick on the recent days of articles.  Social follow and social share are easy with our features in this template.  Want users to subscribe to a newsletter easy?  We have you covered with a news letter sign up widget. There so much more we could say but want you to see it for yourself so check it out!

Jugas Template

Jugas Template
Personal Blogging Website

jugas blogger template

Jugas Blogger template for blogspot is a great personal blogging template layout.  If you have a heavy lifestyle that you like to show via online blog then this is meant for you.  Want to show your followers you have great taste and can hold down a well crafted site that's elegant and professional?  Here it is.  The great thing about Jugas template is that your site can get big and it will still be able to keep up.  The drop-down menu allows your to organize your posts into the appropriate categories.  The featured section allows you to display your most recent interesting posts. The normal blog feed will allow new readers to catch up on the old posts.  Share your blog from within the posts.  Have the visitors social follow your from the main page.  Share each posts individually to gain more traffic.  Enjoy this great template and similar ones too.  

Sora Buzz

Sora Buzz Blogger Template
Viral Media Sharing Website

sora buzz blogger template
Sora Buzz viral media sharing template is one of the latest template themes for blogger websites.  This template has it all in the world viral websites and you can have your very own.  Want to share trending content and get lots of visitors? Here is your chance.  Most of us have dreamed of owning our own viral site that brings in tons of ad revenue because of all the hits.  Here is your chance to make the dream become a reality because what else else is stopping you.  We are giving you a free template and or a premium version and all you have to do is load the content you see from around the web.  Sora Buzz will give your content the professional layout it needs to gain credit on the web and the rest is history.  Sora Buzz has a great layout, ad space, social sharing on the main page and in the post, related post, top post sidebar and so much more. What are you waiting for!

Dreamline Blogger Template

Dreamline Blogger Template
Personal and Travel Websites

dreamliner blogger template personal and travel websites
Dreamline Blogger Template is a bold new template for the BlogSpot bloggers out there.  When you see the word dreamline and it makes you think of some sort of travel then its partially working already.  To make this template work you are first going to have to make it yours.  Once its yours you can add as many travel photos and stories as you can bare to post.  Dreamline works great as a personal or travel blog because of how its set up .  The main feed will show off your first travel picture and the first few sentences of the blog post and from there the visitor has the chance to share it on social media, dive into the post or keep on paging.  While your paging you can make use of the great right sidebar that is actually more like three sidebars because its tabbed sidebar which means you can hold three full sidebars in one and navigate through them from the tabs at the top of the bar.  Use these three spaces to hold things like recent posts, labels and comments.  If you dive into the post expect to find premium design and all the right stuff from social share, related posts to author slot. To add more cake to the cake we'll tell you that its SEO friendly, Responsive and Mobile friendly so that it will work on any device anywhere, anytime.  Best of all, unlimited colors!
Author Premium Page: MS Design Dreamline Blogger Template

Voux Blogger Template

Voux Blogger Template
Elegant Responsive Blogger Theme
voux responsive blogger template
Voux Blogger template is the must have theme for the elegant bloggers.   Are you a mommy blogger and need a new layout?  Here you go.  Are you a traveler and want to show off your picture but need a high class template to show off those high class places?  Here it is.  How about a fashion blogger or even a lifestyle blogger and you want to show off your life.  Maybe one day your blogging and you write about a recipe for a must have dish.  Maybe the next day you write about a fashion deal and show off your new clothing.  This is the template to help your site be able to show those things in a great way.  Full width and responsive.  Social share from the front pages and inside. Picture feed. Right sidebar. Related posts.  It has it all so use this one and change your website while you bring in lots of new readers.
Author Premium Page: Themexpose Voux Blogger Template