Showing posts with label Viral. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viral. Show all posts

Viral Mag

Viral Mag Template
Viral Media Content Magazine

viral mag blogger template

Viral Mag for Blogger is a standout template that is turning simple blogger sites into full functioning popular viral websites.  This template simply turns your viral content into an organized and clean way for your viewers to see all that you have to offer without looking cheap.  This professional design, look and feel will have you up there with the rest of the best ranking websites.  Bring your best content because this could put you in the runnings with the best.   All you need to do is download and plug it in.  Viral Mag template features a big search bar that is becoming more popular now days.  The main menu is a bold, easy to use dropdown menu.  The feature section pops out immediately which is great for the more popular or new articles and then is followed by a regular two column feed. Social share buttons, pagination and related suggested posts comes on each page along with a share counter.  Viral Mag is a must see. 

Sora Buzz

Sora Buzz Blogger Template
Viral Media Sharing Website

sora buzz blogger template
Sora Buzz viral media sharing template is one of the latest template themes for blogger websites.  This template has it all in the world viral websites and you can have your very own.  Want to share trending content and get lots of visitors? Here is your chance.  Most of us have dreamed of owning our own viral site that brings in tons of ad revenue because of all the hits.  Here is your chance to make the dream become a reality because what else else is stopping you.  We are giving you a free template and or a premium version and all you have to do is load the content you see from around the web.  Sora Buzz will give your content the professional layout it needs to gain credit on the web and the rest is history.  Sora Buzz has a great layout, ad space, social sharing on the main page and in the post, related post, top post sidebar and so much more. What are you waiting for!

Ad Mag Blogger Template

Ad Mag Blogger Template
News and Viral Media Blogger Magazine

ad mag blogger template magazine
Ad Mag Blogger Template is the newest creation from the creators at SoraTemplates and this one is another great template to add to their line.  The great thing about Sora is that they create some many great layouts that are  SEO friendly and browser compatible.  As more and more people are striving to put up a viral media or news site, Sora is stepping up to fill the demand.  While filling this demand they come out with great themes like the Ad Mag that features everything a top magazine website should have and then some.  To start their breaking news feature is set apart from most because this version contains a little thumb with it too instead of just words.  Its little things like this that reminds us that they create templates with care about the smallest details.  Below that they leave adspace and title spot.  Into the featured section comes a nice evenly placed slider and a post feed to the right.  Below is another mini slider and below that is a normal multi category feed with a right sidebar.  A dropdown menu will mage this main page complete for a magazine site but not without a social follow and newsletter sign up that it also has.  The posts are great and will hold any picture, video and text.  That content can be social shared and commented on.  Pagination and related posts will complete this template and show you the newest creation on the shelf.

Socio Blogger Template

Socio Blogger Template
Viral Media Website

socio blogger template viral website
Social Blogger template is your answer to having your very own viral media website.  This template will change your ordinary blog website into a viral sensation in no time.  With simple installation and easy admin layout you owe it to yourself to try.  With viral media website gaining popularity all over the net, why cant you have one too.   With socio template now you can!  Because its quick and easy to install doesn't mean that's its a cheap looking website either.  This template will make your website professional looking and functioning.  You will have everything from a main menu bar, social menu bar, ad space, right sidebar, great posts, social sharing for posts, three platform comment system including Facebook, Blogger and Disqus.  To top off the great features is the newsletter sign up.  Everyone knows now days you need to have a newsletter sign up connected to your site and this one does so in the most stylish way.  Best of all you have unlimited color options in the admin panel.  Enjoy!
Author Premium Page: Themexpose Socio Blogger Template

Modern Blog Blogger Template

Modern Blog Blogger Template Responsive Article
Modern Blog Blogger Template
Responsive Viral Article Blogger Template
Modern Blog Blogger Template is a high tech looking responsive viral article sharing theme for BlogSpot websites.  This template is pristine, crisp, responsive and almost perfect like a great work of art.  Do you have viral articles, video and or pictures you would like to share and need a good site to do it on?  Modern blog has your covered because it the perfect fit and we'll tell you why.  The all around look and feel with colors, fonts and the right placement of sidebars, posts and the featured section is great and compares to none other when it comes to viral templates.  It has its own viral feel and sets itself apart by being a trend setter but also fitting in well with other blogs like it.  Its elegant yet informing and almost handsome.  If GQ featured a blogger template, this is what they would use.  It has a sticky menu that is also a dropdown to help you navigate the many categories you could fit into the template. The posts are display ever so elegantly and professional. The right sidebar is room for anything along with you social follow that will always be there.  Standard social share and related posts come on each post page. Responsive, SEO friendly, Browser Compatible and more.  If you want a template that is exiting and bold, modern blog is the one for you.

Author Premium Page: Sora Modern Blog Template

Sora Gag Blogger Template

Sora Gag Blogger Template
Multipurpose Blogger Template

Sora Gag Blogger Template
Sora Gag is a great multi purpose blogger template.  Remember the days when people started a blog just to start something new and the fact that it was on the internet made it cool and exciting?  Some of you may not remember but others will and this was a style that made it so cool because you could add so many things and not have one particular niche that your blog was about.  Your blog website was about so many things and you just made a list for categories and put them in the appropriate cats.  Well now we call those blogs viral websites and you can make one with this template layout too and if you want you can make a magazine website, a recipe website, a travel website, a personal blog, or whatever you want to make!  Sora gag is super cool because of many things like the sticky menu bar that also includes the title of the site and the search bar and lets not forget that its a dropdown sticky! sidebar and both right and lefts sides with the main blog feed in the middle.  Spots for ads you cant do without so this layout includes them.  Related posts, social share, author profile and some much more. We invite you to check and use this great template we call Sora Gag.

Pinpress Viral Blogger Template

PinPress Blogger Template
Minimal Viral Blogger Template

pinpress blogger template
Pinpress blogger template is the perfect template design for your viral blog website.  There are many times where you stumble across a website that looks amazing and is sharing viral content and yet at the same time it seems so minimal yet the traffic numbers are huge.  Look no further because you found yourself a template that can make your content look worth while.  Pinpress will showcase your day to day viral content updates and give readers the chance to dive into the post and share them or share it right from the preview.  A cool simple blog feed that will display and picture, article or video on the main page so that your visitors can page to page from the homepage.  The right sidebar on pinpress will make sure reading can social follow you, see how many social followers you have, double as ad space and so much more.  The great thing about this template is the dropdown main menu which can help turn your site into a minimal magazine website!  Related posts and comment ready will seal the deal along with SEO friendly and being responsive.  What are you waiting for?

YoMag Blogger Template

YoMag Blogger Template
Hot New Magazine Blogger Template

yomag blogger template
YoMag blogger template is the hot new magazine template for blogger.  This template layout is turning heads and getting numbers.  Why? Because of how well designed it is and how good it looks to anyone.  This template is hot and knows it.  Most magazine designs have their own personality and this one has a great personality of sharp looking, bold looking fonts and well placed thumbs and posts with categories.  It all complements each other to bring together a great blog site. The cool features about this is the right sidebar is tabbed so its actually like three sidebars in one.  At the bottom of each posts you have a pagination so your visitors can go back or forwards.  The menu is great with drop downs and comes ad ready and seo ready.  What else could you ask for with this magazine template?  Its down right awesome.