Trendy Responsive Blogger Template

Trendy Responsive Template

Free Responsive Blogger Template
Trendy Responsive is a perfect template with a great design and best of all it's free to use.  You can only get the name trendy if you are in fact just that.  This template is living up to its name by being the trend setter in the website world.  Bring your blog and its content to the next level with this great design that features a blog feed that is unlike most.  The feed here is a newer design with multiple posts in different places divided up by three different rows.  Its kind of like the tumblr feed.  It only goes down so far though although it does offer a next page feature.  The cool thing about the design on this template is that the left sidebar stays in place.  In the left sidebar you will see that it holds your social media following, search bar, your main menu and your title and description.  Want another sidebar?  You got one.  Once you click into a post you will see that not only does it have your left sidebar for your navigation but also a right sidebar that will hold whatever you decide to put in there like popular posts, ads, or your share icons. Trendy is full responsive, seo friendly, threaded comments and has an easy to use admin layout.  This template is bold, crisp set to impress and will never disappoint.  

Name: Trendy Responsive Blogger Template

Browser: Compatible with Majors