Grace Blogger Template

Grace Blogger Template

free blogger template
Grace Blogger Template is a great choice for a personal, fashion, food, wedding, anything girly and or elegant.  The name Grace for this blog is fitting because its a very graceful design.  Its truly one of a kind elegant dark girly template.  The sliding featured post section along with the individual sliding after posts below that change up too are going to set you apart as something different and trendy.  You will for sure be the trend setter with this layout but you're ok with that because its going to help you show off what you want shown.  The posts are great size that allows for social sharing at a simple point and click.  This what you see is what you get blog deserves an A from us. Enjoy.
Name: Grace Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Bthemez