Glam Up Blogger Template

Glam Up Template

Highly Minimal Blogger Design
Are you ready for Glam Up Blogger Template?  If not, maybe you should go and get Glamed up.  Aside from the awful attempt at a joke, we have a great new blogger template from Sora.  This design is turning heads for how nice and clear everything is.  The claim to fame about this template is that  you can 'focus on the content and not the other stuff going on in a messy blog.'  That is true about this one because the highly minimal design leaves lots of white space and so your either reading the content, looking at a video or reading the words/picture.  With minimal design also comes easy SEO.  Since there is not much to load on the page this design makes it ideal for an SEO friendly blog website.  It will load fast and not have any hang ups.  Its a full width template so the last thing you are going to feel is claustrophobic when visiting this page.  The top menu also serves your social follow icons and is drop down so you can double the content links from the main page.  Glam Up comes in black and white which makes for a very elegant looking site as well.  Perfect layout for a wedding, travel, photo, fashion or personal blog.  An overall great responsive free blogger template.
Name: Glam Up Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors