Girl Blogger Templates

FROYO girl Blogger Template
Froyo Girls template for the girls is an awesome free girl template.  Although it can be used for a personal, make up or other types of girl things, we feel like this free template is for the sport girl.  Maybe you are a runner that likes to display girl running clothes and shoes. This would be the perfect template to do so.  
Attitude girl Blogger Template
 Attitude Girl Blogger Template
Attitude Girl template for blogger is a fantastic theme for your website.  Attitude probably gets it name because there is no attitude about this template except a good one.  Designed more for a girl theme, fashion, cooking or even weddings, this one is rock solid in what it has to offer and also keeping the basics that make it a great functioning blog.  A great highlight is that it centers your basic logo and description followed by your menu then has the featured or recent posts section that is in slider form and changes. After the featured section comes the list of postings that a represented well by big thumbs.  It has author spots, social share ready, a great footer and an overall elegant and clean look.  You cant go wrong here for your wedding, photo, cooking or girl blog or if you just enjoy pink then this one is for you. 

Soraxton girl Template
Soraxton Girl Template
The Soraxton Girl template has lots and it looks great.  You can use it for one heck of a great magazine blog with a big slider and thumbs at the top and a post list and features down below. It also function as a nice girl template for your all girls site if you have one.  Most free templates in the girl section don't come this well done for free although this one is.  Its look a design have the modern touch, it looks new and feels great to use.  It has great room for ads in the right spots that makes it look even steven with everything else and has that cool menu bar that stays present when scrolling down.  This template is worthy of love.  
Acacia girl Blogger Template
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Acacia Girl Blogger Template

Acacia Girl template for blogger is a great design brought to us by the great Sora.  Acacia is a minimal template design which means that it's perfect for bloggers who write about fashion trends, Girl Stuff, Girls only template websites,  beauty and grooming products, clothes and anything girly.  It's also elegant which allows for it to be a multipurpose template using it for food, travel and personal or food and travel.  Since it does feature a top menu with dropdown categories, it could also be used for a magazine template if you wish however, you would have to be an excelled blogger for that style.  The last use for Acacia template could be a personal and daily update type of blog for you, friends, family or maybe them all.   The great thing about minimal templates is that you can always add things to make it something even more than it is.  Since there is lots of space being its a minimal template design, the pictures are big and especially the featured slider images.  The post images are of great size too, highlighting why it makes for such a good travel or food blog.  Acacia features an 'about me' slot, right sidebar, social share, comments, author box, suggested posts, flickr feed and popular posts.  Overall, Acacia is a clean, minimal, elegant and powerful template.  Enjoy....
Fresh Blog girls Blogger Template
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Fresh Blog Girl Template
Fresh Blog Blogger Template is a fantastic blog template for this year.  The name Fresh comes from the fact that this is one of the most freshest, clean and elegant blog template out there.  With words like Fresh, clean and elegant, you will get something that is also Minimal to the eye.  Don't worry when we say minimal because it has all the right things in the right amount.  Maybe you are a girl or guy fashion blogger, then this one is fit for you.  Maybe you like black and white photos? Then this is for you.  The bold lettering and center themed make this template one to be taken serious.  Bring your A game content because people will enjoy reading your blog due to the simple fact its clean and slick.  Maybe the post features just an image you want to share and go onto the next post... no problem.  With the social share buttons on the bottom of each feature post and also inside the post shows how well crafted this template really is.  Not only are they on the inside as well as the outside but, the inside ones pop with the color of the social share when hovered. 
Reflect girl Blogger Template
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Reflect Girl Blogger Template
Reflect girl template for blogger allows you to do just that, reflect.  You can reflect on your life, your clothes or other peoples clothes, what's "in" or maybe even a TV show or two.  Reflect template is a more personal template for your thoughts and day to day life.   Maybe one day you want to write about how your day went or share a pretty picture of the sunset, this is the blog style in which you do that on.  It still has all the great features of any other blog like social sharing, social icons, featured image, cool comments, about the author and is SEO friendly so that other people you don't know can reach you by shared interest of life things.  Enjoy Reflect Blogger template.  
Outfit Clean girl blogger template
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Outfit Girl Template 
Outfit Clean Girl template is one awesome layout for blogging.  It has many cool and is ideal for personal fashion blogging. Show off the latest girl fashion.  It comes in two colors, white and black and is attractive in both styles.  The featured posts and latest post is a slider that makes it look not cheap.  Social share ready, SEO friendly so that natural organic traffic comes flowing.  Quick and fast to load with everything you need to show off to the world.  
Velocity girl Blogger Template
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Velocity Girl Blogger Template
Velocity Girl template for blogger is outstanding and believe us when we say that about a template.  This magazine template is simply amazing because of the elegance, style and attention to details. Girl design for a girls website.  Definitely a softer template for a girl magazine or something towards that area. Maybe you have a home and garden blog or even cooking, if so then velocity is a gem.  It features a clean white look with a featured post big picture and you can also embed movies on the front page via the preview post so you don't have to go fully into the post to view.  Awesome menu and social sharing. You wont be disappointed here.  
Sora Moon girl Blogger Template
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Sora Moon Girl Blogger Template
Sora Moon girl template for blogger is a breath of fresh air.  A breath of fresh air is simple and refreshing and that's what this template does.  Not a very technical blog because its focus is more towards a personal diary blog or maybe even a travel blog it will host your pictures an what you have to say about them with elegance and professionalism.  Maybe you are a professional who wants to document their vacation, time off, cooking or just personal day to day life but show you are a true professional in all parts of your life, then this one is for you. How about a girl template for your girl website?  It features everything symmetrical and centered and all the social icons for their duties as needed.  This template has everything you need to show off with elegance. 
Lollypop girl Blogger Template
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Lollypop Blogger Girl Template
Lollypop template for blogger is a superior girly blog that makes your website pop off the screen.  If you have more content than you think you can handle and the traffic to prove it, then this one is for you.  Its jammed packed with an assortment of widgets and menus and makes it all look busy but that's ok because its kind of like a busy lifestyle blog anyways. Maybe you want a girl magazine blog/ This shows off what will be trending for the next two days and then its onto the next hot fad.  Since you got lots of traffic and talk about lots of products, there is room for your sponsors ads to show in through without looking like its too much extra.  Girl? Busy? Always new content? This template is for you.  
girl Blogger Template
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Grace Blogger Girl Template
Grace Blogger Girl Template is a great choice for a personal, fashion, food, wedding, anything girl and or elegant.  The name Grace for this blog is fitting because its a very graceful design.  Its truly one of a kind elegant dark girly template.  The sliding featured post section along with the individual sliding after posts below that change up too are going to set you apart as something different and trendy.  You will for sure be the trend setter with this layout but you're ok with that because its going to help you show off what you want shown.  The posts are great size that allows for social sharing at a simple point and click.  
Blogger Template for girls
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Attitude Blogger Template
Free Attitude Girl template for blogger is a fantastic theme for your website.  Attitude probably gets it name because there is no attitude about this template except a good one.  Designed more for a girl theme, fashion, cooking or even weddings, this one is rock solid in what it has to offer and also keeping the basics that make it a great functioning blog.  A great highlight is that it centers your basic logo and description followed by your menu then has the featured or recent posts section that is in slider form and changes. After the featured section comes the list of postings that a represented well by big thumbs.  It has author spots, social share ready, a great footer and an overall elegant and clean look.  You cant go wrong here for your wedding, photo, cooking or girly blog or if you just enjoy pink then this one is for you.  
girls Blogger Template
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Kit Kat Girl Blogger Template
Kit Kat Template is a great template for all things Girl and elegant.  This is a fully responsive template with great features such as a two column plus side bar home page as well as an archive drop down menu.  It features a center title along with a center menu for those even perfectionists.   Maybe you want to do a wedding blog or a makeup blog.  This template is for you then.  We give this template a B+ for elegance and great display. 
girl Blogger Template
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Futura Blogger Template
It's the elegant blogs that make reading them so nice and relaxing sometimes.  Does your blog have a country day with a picnic feel? Maybe you just want a girl blog with a great purple color.  Whatever the content may be, if it needs to get delivered from a girl or a woman with elegance and clarity then this blog template is for you.   Futura template features big pictures as well as a post preview along tags above the post.  The other neat thing about this design is that it delivers boldness and square design without looking to intimidating. Amazing free template for a girl.  Futura is a 2015 template that is set to impress. 
girl Blogger Templates
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Dribble Blogger Template

Dribble template for the blogger platform is a great multipurpose blogging template. From a daily news to a fashion blog, girl website, girl template,  or simply just a personal diary blog for others to read will fit just perfect.  This is a full width page template which is great for a bigger feel and not so cluttered look.  Dribble offers large featured images as well as full image preview in the blog feed.  The social share icons come with and are at the bottom of each post so that your friends can share the news or the daily gossip easy. The sidebar on Dribble is also wide and proportionate to the the overall feel.  This template offers a clean and elegant feel.  We give this template a B+ for the overall category.
girls Blogger Template
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Persona Girl Blogger Template
Persona for blogger is a great template and very elegant with a girls twist to it.  Its clean with colors that match just right.  Geared for more of a girl template this template is set to impress anyone who comes to read the blog.  It has ad ready, social share on every post main page along with social follow on the main top of the blog.  Its designed with a wide full page layout to fit a large screen but at the same time very responsive to be compatible with any computer or device.  Use it for a fashion blog or a minimal personal travel blog, either one will show you have taste in what you pick.