Blogari Blogger Template

Blogari Blogger Template
Clean Elegant Blogger Template

Blogari Blogger Template
Blogari Blogger Template is a highly elegant and great design from Sora.  When we say the name Blogari and you think of the designer brand Bvlgari, don't be surprised as this was probably no accident.  Much like the designer brand Bvlgari, the Blogari template design is very high class and elegant as if a fashion designer were to build this one.  The colors, layout and function of the blog has high class designer written all over it.  This template is sure to fit your needs if you are in the fashion business however it could be used for many other things and could also fit in the category of girly blogger templates.  The cool thing about this design is that it has a breaking news ticker at the top and the main menu turns into a sticky menu once scrolled down.  The posts can either contain the right sidebar or you can have full width post that takes it out which is meant for big pictures.  The social share is everywhere on this blog template so you have no reason not share the posts.  Its fast and seo friendly, responsive, elegant, multi purpose, clean and elegant.  What more could you want?