CoolMag Blogger Template

CoolMag Blogger Template
Responsive Magazine Blogger Template

coolmag blogger template
Coolmag blogger template is a fantastic magazine theme for blogger BlogSpot.  This one of a kind template is going to send you off the feet of your chair and almost into the screen because its so good.  This magazine layout has it all.  Lets start with the menu that holds the social sharing and the home link button and that's at the very top just above the ticker for breaking news, news posts, whatever you want it to say, it will stream your words and link it to a page.  Below that you get your logo and ad space and right into the main menu just below that that is almost a blog layout itself.  This main menu has a drop down that will not only display the links but also a thumb preview of the post.  This makes it look professional and very expensive.  The featured section is cool because its broke up into five parts with the a main big post thumb in the middle and two smaller ones on each side fitting in like a snug puzzle.  From there it goes into a two column post category for your respective blog posts and then into a normal one column blog feed. Coolmag s right sidebar will host everything from the social sharing count buttons to the double tabbed sidebar section that makes it possible for even more posts to be displayed but not before the newsletter sign up that this template comes with.  The posts are basic posts that hold the normal content and keeps the right sidebar and main menu however, coolmag blogger template has made it possible for visitors to comment using blogger, disqus or facebook and that's something everyone can appreciate who wants to take part in the discussions.  This template is cool, designed well, seo, mobile and responsive friendly.  This cool template has it all so no wonder its named coolmag.