Jenny Blogger Template

jenny blogger template
Jenny Blogger Template
Responsive Lifestyle Blogger Template

Jenny blogger template is a great elegant lifestyle blogger template.  Jenny comes responsive and comes to life once hovered over certain features such as the menu.  This lifestyle design is layout out and the design was carefully planned so it will all fit together and display professionalism.  You can see this with how the fonts, color, spacing, post and widget placing all complement each other.  Its a basic one column blog with a slider feature for the recent posts which stays when you dive into the posts.  Once inside the posts you have a big picture displayed so you can share what you want.  Want to make this a cooking website blog? Go ahead as it will work perfectly.  Want to show off your travels?  Go ahead because it will cover that too.  The right sidebar will hold anything you choose. All good blogs have related post feature and this one is up to par with one too.  It has a post author link however not a preview  or mini write up about the author.  Social share and comments top of the bottom and make this template one that is good for anything.  Enjoy!