Best Mag Blogger Template

Best Mag Blogger Template
Responsive Magazine Blogger Theme

Best Mag Blogger Template from Bloggertheme9 designs is one of the latest magazine templates for blogger websites available.  This rich feature and professional looking design will do everything you want and impress everyone that visits your page.  If you have ever wanted a wordpress looking website but use blogger then do frown because the answer just arrived.  This template will have you competing with the best of the magazine websites out there.  Besides holding features such as a great dropdown menu, site menu, search bar and great featured section, this one also has a contact box in the corner so that its easy to contact the site owner.  Want another great feature?  The right sidebar is tabbed times 3 so that you can fit in the latest posts, popular, comments or categories.  The posts are great and the social sharing for posts is unlike any others.  Related posts and next and previous posts make this template a super template of its own.  We hope you enjoy. 
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