Showing posts with label Black and White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black and White. Show all posts

Fotolia Blogger Template

Fotolia Blogger Template

fotolia blogger template
Fotolia blogger template is a great multi purpose design.  The great thing about this one is that it can be used for things like photography portfolios, video collections, tech blogs and so much more.  The unique design allows for the reader to read pictures as well as the title of the post.  Best of all, this template is 100 percent fully responsive and made to fit any browser so that you leave no one out when showing off your best work or sharing those tech articles.  From the main page you can access the posts and main menu and then hover over each post to make it come alive and reveal more text.  Once inside the posts the menu becomes sticky allowing you to navigate the site much more easy.  The right sidebar can hold all your needs and html code and comes ad ready with special ad spots on the main homepage as well.  Fotolia blogger template comes social share ready and below that you can page forward or backwards with the post pager.  Each post can hold its own 8 related posts so that you can also have more links inside your website which also helps seo score.  Speaking of SEO score this template is so lightweight and fast loading that its very SEO friendly.  What more could you want from a template that is free!?

Flatness Blogger Template

Flatness Blogger Template
Fashion Magazine Blogger Template

flatness blogger template
Flatness Blogger Template is a magical themed designed for those who have ever dreamed of owning a fashion magazine.  If your dream was to own a fashion magazine with an online presence then your in luck with Flatness Template.  This highly responsive and highly SEO theme is going to boost your magazine brand name very quick and all you have to do is bring the pictures and the content.  Sora templates was nice enough to think about the publisher and made it easy for them.  The design is great and could have run you boat loads if you went to an independent website coder however you got lucky and stumbled across this.  This black and white fashion theme is going to give you an elegant feel to your brand.  The well connected featured posts section is going to give you the authority to show the world you know what your doing when it comes to blogger websites.  The template has it all like a social follow menu with a search bar to search the whole site.  Ads ready in the right spots so you can make the most of the visitors who will all be coming to your site.  A dropdown menu to organize the category and posts.  A normal blog feed of all your posts day after day.  A right sidebar and so much more.  Check this one out if you are a fashion blogger!

Square Blogger Template

Square Blogger Template
Modern Square Responsive Template

square blogger template
If you are someone who likes everything even and nice and clean in your life then square blogger template is for you.  If your name is square and your a blogger template then you can be described very easy but none the less you need to be acknowledged for the great qualities that brings.  The first is the square them of everything and the main menu being in the middle.  From there it goes to the slider which you can page next and previous to find your best featured posts and then go down into the two column blog feed and right sidebar.  This template is great for tech blogs, business updates, personal, travel, fashion, home décor, cooking.  Pretty much anything you can think of this template can handle and in a way could make for a great mini magazine style site.  We think you will be just as impressed with the posts as the whole layout being that it follows the same guidelines as being square.  So don't be a square and get square! Enjoy. 

Msora Blogger Template

Msora Blogger Template
Multipurpose Blogger Template

msora template for blogger
Msora template for blogger is a great template and the answer to lots of bloggers wishes.  Why?  Because this template is a true multi purpose design made for you to get creative with you site.  It has two sidebars and tons of ad space both in the posts and at the end.  The black and white colors gives this template a clean and elegant feel while also being trending and almost looking like a magazine layout.  Besides that it could be used for a magazine it could also be used for pictures, travel, fashion and pretty much anything you want.  The cool features are the where some of the gadgets are.  The social follow is at the top of the main page and is a standing tower while the social share inside the posts are simple but powerful little buttons.  What does Facebook, Disqus, Blogger all have in common besides the fact that they are post platforms? They all are in the post.  You can write a comment for whatever comment system you use and it will show up on the blog.  Two sidebars, SEO and responsive friendly with a multi purpose layout.  Msora could not get much better. For premium version and author website visit here.

Iprime Blogger Template

Iprime Blogger Template
Multipurpose Clean Blogger Template

iprime blogger template
Iprime blogger template is a great multipurpose template layout.  To the first glace it may look like a personal one feed style blog but once you look closer it is that and so much more.  Starting from the very top you get you menu which is also your main menu, a dropdown menu, you social follow bar, your search bar and your sticky menu that makes navigation simple.  Coming in black and white it will be very minimal but powerful.  The menu is a true dropdown that can hold multiple categories.  Since its ad ready, there is a slot for the ads below that and just below the ads comes the featured section slider.  After the featured section it goes into the normal blog feed with a right sidebar that can hold whatever a right sidebar should hold including ads.  Each post can be shared from the preview page or inside.  The posts also include an author section and suggested related posts.  Blogger Comments come standard and next and previous posts buttons are located at the bottom of each post.  Make this a magazine, fashion, travel or personal blog and it will not look out of place in either one. 

Oracle Blogger Template

Oracle Blogger Template
Minimal Elegant Blogger Template

oracle blogger template
Oracle blogger template is a great minimal multipurpose blogger design.   This new great work of code is the latest template from Sora.  They are known to produce high quality, seo friendly, fast loading and responsive templates.  This one is no exception.  Great for minimal designed sites, personal sites, travel and fashion blogs this will surely impress your audience.  This comes in black and white and has an all white background so the only color that will be seen is from the pictures.  The pictures on this template are great because there is so much room dedicated to them.  The layout is full width so that you can fit in the biggest pictures which this template is designed to do.   Oracle is highly elegant with a clean vibe.  The sticky menu which is also a dropdown can help you navigate the site even more easy.  There is social icons both at the top on the main page to follow the current site and social share buttons both on the preview and inside the post.  The main pictures are featured in a slider section that will help you page through multiple featured posts.  Author section and suggested related posts bring this all together to make one great site with the oracle template.  Enjoy.

Invert Blogger Template

Invert Blogger Template
Responsive and SEO Friendly

Invert blogger template
Responsive invert blogger template is seo friendly and a great blog but thats just the begining.  This template is truly and elegant theme that will load quicker than you can say invert.  It has the basic features of a single feed blog but they are very well highlighted for many reasons and some of those are the fact that the featured thumbs are huge so that readers who read pictures instead of words can read the posts to their favorite way of reading.  The post thumb and preview are displayed very elegantly their according categories highlighted to the side.  The menus are great because the main menu is elegant and a drop down so that you can add all your categories accordingly and display it in a elegant clean fashion.  above that you have your logo and title placed in the middle center which ads to the clean look of your website.  Then site menu is great because not only does it hold your contact and about, your social media pages and search but it's also a sticky menu so that whatever you are doing on the website you can do a search at the top. The cool feature is that when its scrolled down as a sticky, it changes color. You also have your related posts at the bottom of every post and can even join the newsletter just below that. Enjoy this fast loading, responsive, seo friendly, right sidebar, social share ready, ad ready, multi purpose, clean blogger template.

Flavio Blogger Template

Flavio Blogger Template
Elegant Fashion Blogger Template

flavio blogger template
Flavio blogger template is a great fashion template design that can double as a personal blog too.  Its a basic style template that will make your site a basic blog with some great flavor if thats what your going for.   You can also make this a travel blog or whatever you want really.  The featured picture is great so that whatever your readers like, it will catch their interest.