Showing posts with label VeeThemes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VeeThemes. Show all posts

Inspiro Blogger Templates

inspiro blogger templates
Inspiro Blogger Templates
Responsive Girl Blogger Template

Inspiro blogger templates is a great template for your blogger website.  If you a little pink mixed in with your responsive template, then this one is for you.  Its geared towards a girl blogger template or girly themed but you can have it for anything like fashion or accessories.  Use it to blog about anything or make a magazine about the latest gossip in the celebrity world because whatever you do, its going to look good.  This is because its a true multi purpose responsive blogger template.  Its comes stock with a fixed sticky menu that also is a dropdown menu, social icon menu and search bar.  Below is your fixture of a puzzle like featured section where the pictures/posts are bunched together like a collage but are separate posts.  The regular blog feed below can hold video as previews, show you who wrote it and when and last but not least the category.  Most of the template you have to see to believe because its just amazing. Inside the posts its laid out professionally with pictures at the top or videos and then the content with social share placed in the middle a the bottom. Related posts and author spot ready.  Right sidebar ready.  Ad ready.  Responsive.  Browser Compatible.  Pink.  Black.  White.  Its everything your looking for if you are looking for a girly blogger template. 

Jenny Blogger Template

jenny blogger template
Jenny Blogger Template
Responsive Lifestyle Blogger Template

Jenny blogger template is a great elegant lifestyle blogger template.  Jenny comes responsive and comes to life once hovered over certain features such as the menu.  This lifestyle design is layout out and the design was carefully planned so it will all fit together and display professionalism.  You can see this with how the fonts, color, spacing, post and widget placing all complement each other.  Its a basic one column blog with a slider feature for the recent posts which stays when you dive into the posts.  Once inside the posts you have a big picture displayed so you can share what you want.  Want to make this a cooking website blog? Go ahead as it will work perfectly.  Want to show off your travels?  Go ahead because it will cover that too.  The right sidebar will hold anything you choose. All good blogs have related post feature and this one is up to par with one too.  It has a post author link however not a preview  or mini write up about the author.  Social share and comments top of the bottom and make this template one that is good for anything.  Enjoy!

Honey Blogger Template

Honey Blogger Template
Minimal Multipurpose Magazine

honey a blogger template
Honey blogger template is a great template that is used for many things and can even be used for a magazine because of the professional featured section slider.  This template follows the rules of being elegant while also being bold and strong.  The gold, grey and black compliments the look and feel so that visitors feel invited to read your web blog and come back for your updates.  The great thing about this and its why we call it a multipurpose magazine is that it can be used for personal travel or a travel lifestyle magazine.  It can be used for a personal photography blog or a big magazine about photography.  Author spots, related posts, right sidebar, slider, and so much more!  If minimal magazine sounds like your style this is your template.

Scoop Blogger Template

Scoop Blogger Template
Girly Style Magazine Blogger Template

Scoop Blogger Template
Scoop Blogger template is a very professional themed designed to deliver the scoop!  This template by veethemes is an outstanding template design and is meant for any girly magazine or home magazine.  Technically you can use it for any type of magazine if you change the colors to it however pink is the default color that it comes with.   One of the many great things about this design is the featured post slider that pages thought the top recent posts and displays the post picture in an elegant way.  Below the slider is the main menu and then the normal blog feed.   One of the cool features about the main blog feed is the comment display but we'll let you see that for yourself.  Each post has a featured image display and social sharing on the inside along with related posts.  The right sidebar is great for author about, ads, labels, popular posts and anything else you want to put into a right sidebar.  This template is full responsive and seo friendly.  Enjoy.

Storyteller Blogger Template

Storyteller Blogger Template
One Column Personal Blogger Template

story teller blogger template
Storyteller blogger template by veethemes is another great blog design that you can use for many things.  The main feature on this is that its a one column blogger template which means it will work great for anything from personal blogging, travel, photography and food blogs.  You can tell your personal story like the name of the template insists.  It has a great menu at the top for the different categories you choose.  Its very responsive and easy to navigate.  Related posts and middle of the page comments.  A great minimal design for great personal blogger and more!

Vanice Blogger Template

Vanice Blogger Template
Simple Responsive Blogger Template

vanice blogger template
Vanice blogger template is a great theme brought to us by VeeThemes.  This template is a true multipurpose design and could be used for anything from travel, magazines, food, and all the way to personal blogging.  Fully responsive and seo friendly, Sticky Menu, embedded search bar, social share and follow count, ads ready, featured post slider and so much more. 

Square Blogger Template

Square Blogger Template
Modern Square Responsive Template

square blogger template
If you are someone who likes everything even and nice and clean in your life then square blogger template is for you.  If your name is square and your a blogger template then you can be described very easy but none the less you need to be acknowledged for the great qualities that brings.  The first is the square them of everything and the main menu being in the middle.  From there it goes to the slider which you can page next and previous to find your best featured posts and then go down into the two column blog feed and right sidebar.  This template is great for tech blogs, business updates, personal, travel, fashion, home décor, cooking.  Pretty much anything you can think of this template can handle and in a way could make for a great mini magazine style site.  We think you will be just as impressed with the posts as the whole layout being that it follows the same guidelines as being square.  So don't be a square and get square! Enjoy. 

Gamer A Blogger Template

Gamer A Blogger Template
Video Game Magazine Blogger Template

Gamer A blogger template Magazine
Gamer blogger template is one of the best gamer templates out there today.  It always seems like the gamer templates are the best designed and high tech looking and that's ok because we can use ideas to design more like the gamers.  There is no doubt Gamer was built with focus and care because of all the good things it has to offer.  The overall design is professional.  The menu is sleek with a drop down feature and after that it goes into the slider feature.  From there it goes into the regular blog feed.  All posts have a social share bar at the bottom and author section.  This template even has a subscription box for your audience to sign up once they read your blog.  Other cool features on this include a random posts button, responsive and bootstrap framework, and best of all its compatible with all major browsers.  SEO friendly x2 because its blogger.