Showing posts with label Black and White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Black and White. Show all posts

Gladiolus Blogger Template

Gladiolus Blogger Template
Elegant Minimal Blogger Template

gladiolus blogger template
Gladiolus Blogger Template is a fabulous design brought to us by none other than sora.  With a combination of the name like Glad and Fabulous, one could only image what this one is going to feel like to the visitor of the website.  Want and elegant feel to your website?  Here it is.  Would you also like a minimal and easy to navigate blog site.  This is your answer.  Seo friendly and quick loading means you cant go wrong with this template. 

Glossy Blogger Template

Glossy Blogger Template
All You Need Magazine Blogger Template

glossy blogger template
Glossy Blogger Template is a great magazine template design brought to us by Sora Templates.  This is a basic but very powerful design.   Glossy has the ability to turn any magazine blogger website into something that should be taken seriously.  This has all the right posts, sidebars, featured sections and ads in the right place and they all complement the design very well along with the fonts.  There is a Main menu and second menu along with social share and a search bar.  Glossy is one of the best templates produced this year.  Browser compatible, very fast loading, SEO friendly, Responsive Magazine Design,  Elegant, Clean and ad ready. 

Arbutus Blogger Template

Arbutus Trave Blogger Template
A Minimal Elegant Design Template

Minimal Elegant Template Blogger
Arbutus is here and its the great minimal elegant free blogger template that is here to stay or travel.  We are letting it stay only because its a great design for those bloggers who crave elegance and like everything clean.  From the demo you could probably see that this layout would best fit some type of picture site.  It could either be a personal blog in which you show your many things and places you have traveled to or things your are thinking of and post and it will display it perfectly.  You could also use it to display your travels when you take a picture of the Grand Canyon or the Back country in the Rocky Mountains, post it on your blog and share it to the world simply by the simple social share buttons that are not only present when you dive into the post but also on the main page blog feed so that incase your template is used for a photography site, you can share the daily updated image immediately.  Sometimes people like to blog with only the featured page to show their post.  However if you decide to jump into the post you will quickly notice its minimal and elegant with suggested related post and a comment section. Its SEO friendly because of how basic it is so that means your also going to get quick loading pages and better organic traffic, however you will have to set your features to ads after post as this template does not come ad ready or have any adsense friendly space.  You may have to get tech help to install the adcode into your HTML template.  Besides that, its very responsive and is friendly to all browsers.
Name: Arbutus Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors

Glam Up Blogger Template

Glam Up Template

Highly Minimal Blogger Design
Are you ready for Glam Up Blogger Template?  If not, maybe you should go and get Glamed up.  Aside from the awful attempt at a joke, we have a great new blogger template from Sora.  This design is turning heads for how nice and clear everything is.  The claim to fame about this template is that  you can 'focus on the content and not the other stuff going on in a messy blog.'  That is true about this one because the highly minimal design leaves lots of white space and so your either reading the content, looking at a video or reading the words/picture.  With minimal design also comes easy SEO.  Since there is not much to load on the page this design makes it ideal for an SEO friendly blog website.  It will load fast and not have any hang ups.  Its a full width template so the last thing you are going to feel is claustrophobic when visiting this page.  The top menu also serves your social follow icons and is drop down so you can double the content links from the main page.  Glam Up comes in black and white which makes for a very elegant looking site as well.  Perfect layout for a wedding, travel, photo, fashion or personal blog.  An overall great responsive free blogger template.
Name: Glam Up Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors

Absolute Blogger Template

Absolute Blogger Template

absolute free blogger template
Absolute Blogger template is a great magazine template design that will bring you and your blogs content to the next level.  This powerful design is brought to us by Sora Templates and as expected, its well done.  The reason why Absolute is such a great template is because its a true multi use layout with the fact that it can be used for a magazine, fashion blog, travel, photography and so much more.  Just name it and it can be tuned to your needs.  It features a center design in which the title, menu that is also a drop down and posts are designed and placed to the middle making everything look even.  The featured new posts are lined up and features a cool slider in which you control how many slides to move.  Beneath the featured section comes a regular blog feed and right sidebar.  Having black font and a white background causes this blog to also become clean and minimal by default which people tend to like.   Just like all good templates it comes SEO friendly, responsive, fast loading, social sharing, comments, related posts and author box. 
Name: Absolute Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates
Installation: How To Install Absolute Blogger Template
Premium Version: Yes
Premium Link: Absolute Premium Template

Better Magazine Blogger Template

Better Magazine Blogger Template

blogger magazine template
Better Magazine blogger template is a great layout for a website.  Much like the name, it possibly is a better magazine template than what you have seen only because this one is one of Sora Templates more recent work.  Know with Sora that templates are good no matter what and as time goes on we see that they even get better in ways you never knew possible.  You're probably thinking, this is just another mag template so why is this one so special?  Its a fair question so here goes... First it has a very clean vibe being that the background is white and the font is crisp.  Two menus with the main one holding drop down categories.  Underneath that there is the main featured post, you know, the one that is worth viral share.  To the right is a stack of posts from the featured section.  The right sidebar can hold anything you want it to so the possibilities are up to you.  The templates main blog feed features a unique design of a main category then splits into two columns for the posts and then two categories under the post.  Great layout for the eyes.  Search bar on top and footer boxes for whatever at the bottom makes this one possibly a better magazine. 
Name: Better Magazine Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates


Acacia Blogger Template

Acacia Blogger Template

Acacia blogger template
Acacia template for blogger is a great design brought to us by the great Sora.  Acacia is a minimal template design which means that it's perfect for bloggers who write about fashion trends, beauty and grooming products, clothes and anything girly.  It's also elegant which allows for it to be a multipurpose template using it for food, travel and personal or food and travel.  Since it does feature a top menu with dropdown categories, it could also be used for a magazine template if you wish however, you would have to be an excelled blogger for that style.  The last use for Acacia template could be a personal and daily update type of blog for you, friends, family or maybe them all.   The great thing about minimal templates is that you can always add things to make it something even more than it is.  Since there is lots of space being its a minimal template design, the pictures are big and especially the featured slider images.  The post images are of great size too, highlighting why it makes for such a good travel or food blog.  Acacia features an 'about me' slot, right sidebar, social share, comments, author box, suggested posts, flickr feed and popular posts.  Overall, Acacia is a clean, minimal, elegant and powerful template.  Enjoy. 

Motive Mag Blogger Template

Motive Mag Blogger Template

Motive Mag Blogger Template
Motive Mag for blogger is a top notch brilliant theme.   Of course we say for about all of Soratemplates designs so don't be surprised we have another top level template.  The Motive Mag is bringing another true Magazine template to the table and its bringing it with sleek elegant style in a minimal way.  What we like about the template is that everything complements each other.  The layout and spaces are the metal and the font welds it all together.  It has a sturdy firm look that's going to make sure visitors take your content serious.  The design alone will give you the credit you need for the web world.  The black, white and red is almost a seductive bold feel.  Of course its going to have everything a great magazine template would need to function like a top of the line social follow button on the homepage.  It has a wide layout so that nothing feels cramped or forced.  The menu on the main page is off the chain by its category changing colors once hovered.  One of the cooler effects on this template.  A breaking news feed with thumbs for that? Yup.  Regular post feed? Got it.  Quote in post, full width and big social share buttons followed by author and related section into the comments make this template complete for the taking.  Use this one to impress and you wont regret. Enjoy.