Showing posts with label HowTo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HowTo. Show all posts

Manual Blogger Template

manual blogger template
Manual Blogger Template
Document or Download Portal

Manual blogger template is a great template design for your document or download website. When we first previewed the manual template in a real site like you can do above, we were amazed and knew there was potential for something great.  The fact that a search bar is what stands out means you will need to have lots of content so that visitors can search your site.  Next you want to offer some kind of documents, online books maybe?  You can even offer apps, movies or programs to download and once they are plugged into your site, you can find them simply by the search bar.  This template is futuristic and has many great features that most document download portal templates do not.  This features a great menu that is drop down and sticky at the same time.  If they can find it in your organized categories and not have to use the search bar, then great.  Cool category spots so that readers can find documents and download easy.  The design is also clean and elegant so that readers can feel clear minded when visiting.  The related posts comes in a circle style which is different and makes it a little more sleek.  There is an author signature spot and social sharing that comes in an elegant style. There is comments so that readers can communicate and share their points of view.  Lastly there is a newsletter sign up in the footer however that can also be placed in the right sidebar.  Manual is a great template for documents and downloads. 

FoodMag Blogger Template

FoodMag Blogger Template
Cooking Recipe and Photo Blogger Template

foodmag blogger template
Foodmag Blogger Template is a highly professional looking template.  Want to bring your simple food recipe blog to the next level and get noticed? Do it by adding foodmag blogger template to your site.  As you can see the possibilities are endless and from the design it will give you credit right away that you are great recipe website.  The photos for the food turns out great so all you need is the step by step recipe.  Don't hesitate on this one because the faster you make your food recipe website, the faster you will become a success!  SEO friendly, Responsive, Social share ready, Fast loading, Great magazine style theme.  Try it!

Horsemag Blogger Template

Horsemag Blogger Template
Sharing Portal Template for Blogger

horsemag blogger template
Horsemag blogger template is a great template for sharing software and other links that are meant to be shared.  You can list as words and they will link to a bigger page where you host your software. This is a template that is made for the people who like to share free services.  Horsemag blogger template turns content that can be shared into a big pool of links and organized to your specifics. 

Rocket Red Blogger Template

Rocket Red Blogger Template
True Multipurpose Responsive Blogger Template

rocket red blogger template
Rocket Red Blogger Template otherwise known as Rocket Redskin Template is the template we all know and love.  Chances are, if you are a blogger on the BlogSpot platform then you have ran into a great 'how to' or 'help' website blog that was created with this template and you have always wondered where to get it.  Well folks, here it is.  In the flesh or should we say skin.  Red Rock is here to impress and leave a memory of what a great template can do to transform any website.   Lets dive into the details.  First and foremost, its a true multipurpose blogger template which means that whatever your niche may be, it will fit right in from magazine, travel to a personal blog.  This one features something that most don't and that is a left sidebar that is also sticky!  so no matter where you go, it will always be there.  The search and the social follow icons are custom and are cool looking because of the colors of each and everyoe of them.  The right sidebar that is not sticky will hold popular posts and labels.  The middle section is where the magic happens.  Besides having a featured post it also has a normal blog post feed which can hold as many as you want.  The posts go where the middle section would be and features everything you need.  Social icons to share, comments and about the author.  This template is highly effective and we hope you take advantage.
Name: Rocket Red Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates
Installation: How to Install Rocket Red Template
Premium Version: Yes
Premium Link: Rocket Red Premium
Similar: Trendy Responsive, Ocean Magazine, Dzine Template

How to Upload or Change Your Template

This is a step by step picture instruction on how to upload or change your template on your blogspot blogger blog.   The green highlights the steps and what you need to do.  Hopefully you are fimiliar with you dashboard and if not maybe play around with and explore your dashboard so you know where things are in your blogger blog.

Step 1
  • Open up your dashboard and click on the blog that you are going to change or upload your template to. Once you click on that blog you will be brought to a page like the one in the above picture.  Click on the template option in the left sidebar and it should like pretty much the same as the one above.  Once you are there go to step two. 
Step 2

  • So you clicked the template on the previous page now it brought you to this one ( pictured above ) In the top right hand corner you are going to see a button that gives you the option to backup / restore your blogger template.  Click on Backup / Restore button highlighted in green. Go to step 3. 
Step 3

  • Now that you have clicked the backup / restore button its going to bring up a pop up type page like the one above.  It will give you the option to choose a file.  Find your downloaded template you found on the internet. Tip - When I download and save templates to use, I save them to the desktop to find/access them more easy.  So when you click choose file, your computer files/folders will pop up, now find  select your template. 

  • When you see the name of your template, its good! click upload after the name of your template shows up.  This will then bring you back to the template page.  (the page in the first picture of this post )  
  • Your template should be loaded and your new blogger blog has a new design.  Click on the view blog on the top of the page options to view your changes.  Customize the layout of your blog by the layouts tab. 
  • Enjoy Blogging! Do what you like and you'll go far!