Showing posts with label Red. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red. Show all posts


Meed Template
Multipurpose Modern Website

magazine blogger template

Meed template for blogger is a great theme to turn any bunch of words into a great full functioning modern website.  Although it helps to have a niche for visitors, you can use this to make whatever site you want from a technology news site, celebrity gossip, traveling, or just a bunch of your random thought and snips of your daily life.   The meed layout is going to give you credit right away based on the design and boldness as if you had a professional website business build it.  This template truly has it all from a search bar social menu to dropdown menus, related posts, newsletter subscription, a great featured section slider and we are just getting started.  Check out more and you wont be dissapointed. 

Author Premium Page:  Meed Template Sora Templates 

Mag Zilla Blogger Template

Mag Zilla Blogger Template Magazine Theme

Mag Zilla Blogger Template
Responsive Magazine Blogger Template

Mag Zilla Blogger Template is a great magazine design for the blogger BlogSpot platform.  This theme is no doubt the most up to date design and rich feature piece of code out there.  Everything you need for a great website was considered and put into this one and we'll tell you all about it.  Mag Zilla gives you the feel like you are reading a professionally designed blog that was made by a team of 5 and content managed by a team of ten or fifteen depending on the topic.  However it is not, it is a great design at a good price.  Its here to allow you to break into the big league of website blogging and show to everyone you can do it too.  You wont come across a template like this for awhile so its best you get yours here.  This template is feature rich by adding a breaking news ticker at the top and a responsive sticky dropdown menu for the main menu.  They also did not forget the social follow button that are in the top right.  The feature section is thumbs in different sizes that comes together like a professional magazine would.  Below you have you multiple sections and columns to display your posts along with a social share counter and ad space so you can make some dough from the visitors.  The posts are great because they are in the middle of two sidebars one left and one right.  Social share and author signature along with related posts and comments wrap up this template.  Change your background and a few colors if you wish but this template is ready to bring your content next to the pros!

Author Premium Page: Sora Mag Zilla

Shoon Blogger Template

Shoon Blogger Template
Magazine or News Blogger Template

shoon blogger template
Shoon blogger template is a great magazine or news blogger template.  If you are in the store for a news or magazine site, then look no further than our site because we host some of the best template for news/magazines.  This one is no exception because this design is great on shoon.  Its clean and powerful. Bring lots of content to this one because there is going to many place to display it.  Starting from the top there is the news ticker that will display a round of posts that you set.  Below that you will have you main menu that will be host to you categories and then into your posts.  The main homepage has a featured section slider that will display your important recent posts.  From there it will break up into multiple category spots in a two column feed for your articles and then into another slider pager.  Below all of that is more two column category and then your pagination to the next page of your content.  If you thought we were done there think again! Below the pagination is a section for more posts.  With all that being said we take you to the sidebar which is tabbed for more posts!  Three tabs means that the sidebar is actually three! Put what you want including the ads.  Of course this template has a spot for ads in the right spots along with social share and social follow.  For the grand finale you will author posts, related posts and next/previous page.  Shoon means a great clean magazine news blogger template. 

Rocket Red Blogger Template

Rocket Red Blogger Template
True Multipurpose Responsive Blogger Template

rocket red blogger template
Rocket Red Blogger Template otherwise known as Rocket Redskin Template is the template we all know and love.  Chances are, if you are a blogger on the BlogSpot platform then you have ran into a great 'how to' or 'help' website blog that was created with this template and you have always wondered where to get it.  Well folks, here it is.  In the flesh or should we say skin.  Red Rock is here to impress and leave a memory of what a great template can do to transform any website.   Lets dive into the details.  First and foremost, its a true multipurpose blogger template which means that whatever your niche may be, it will fit right in from magazine, travel to a personal blog.  This one features something that most don't and that is a left sidebar that is also sticky!  so no matter where you go, it will always be there.  The search and the social follow icons are custom and are cool looking because of the colors of each and everyoe of them.  The right sidebar that is not sticky will hold popular posts and labels.  The middle section is where the magic happens.  Besides having a featured post it also has a normal blog post feed which can hold as many as you want.  The posts go where the middle section would be and features everything you need.  Social icons to share, comments and about the author.  This template is highly effective and we hope you take advantage.
Name: Rocket Red Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: SoraTemplates
Installation: How to Install Rocket Red Template
Premium Version: Yes
Premium Link: Rocket Red Premium
Similar: Trendy Responsive, Ocean Magazine, Dzine Template

Motive Mag Blogger Template

Motive Mag Blogger Template

Motive Mag Blogger Template
Motive Mag for blogger is a top notch brilliant theme.   Of course we say for about all of Soratemplates designs so don't be surprised we have another top level template.  The Motive Mag is bringing another true Magazine template to the table and its bringing it with sleek elegant style in a minimal way.  What we like about the template is that everything complements each other.  The layout and spaces are the metal and the font welds it all together.  It has a sturdy firm look that's going to make sure visitors take your content serious.  The design alone will give you the credit you need for the web world.  The black, white and red is almost a seductive bold feel.  Of course its going to have everything a great magazine template would need to function like a top of the line social follow button on the homepage.  It has a wide layout so that nothing feels cramped or forced.  The menu on the main page is off the chain by its category changing colors once hovered.  One of the cooler effects on this template.  A breaking news feed with thumbs for that? Yup.  Regular post feed? Got it.  Quote in post, full width and big social share buttons followed by author and related section into the comments make this template complete for the taking.  Use this one to impress and you wont regret. Enjoy. 

Mega Shop Blogger Template

Mega Shop Blogger Template

Mega Shop blogger template
Mega Shop Blogger Template is one crazy good shop template.  From clothing to sporting goods or whole malls of products, this template has got you covered and then some.  Usually a template like this would run a few hundred dollars but not here, you hit the jackpot.  Mega Shop is fully responsive so that you can appeal to all visitors no matter where they are shopping from be it their phone, laptop or tablet on a bus or in an airport.  Its a true full length so that product takes up all the room and you can get more orders and speaking of orders, Mega Shop has a built in payment system that accepts payment from Pay Pal which is one of the best secure leading ways to buy online.  There is also a bill me section in which customers fill out a form and the info is sent right to your gmail inbox. This template has everything you need to put you into the retail game and really mean business.  Best of all you can shop till you drop with the shopping cart feature that holds all your products till your ready to check out.  Before checking out you can review the cart and make sure its everything you need.  When all is said and done Mega Shop is a very good template and once you get your stuff, you can come back and write reviews! Enjoy.
Name: Mega Shop Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templateism

Bright Mag Template

Bright Mag Template

Bright Mag Template a free blogger theme

Here is a simply awesome blogger template.  The Bright Mag Theme is a top of the line template made for magazine or news sites.  This template makes you proud of using blogger as your platform because of what it capabilities are and this shows it competes just as well as any other.  Ads ready, big featured images with slider and individual columns plus rockstar posts the Bright Mag Template theme gets an A+. 

Name: Bright Mag Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: bThemez

Pick Press Blogger Tempalte

Pick Press Template

Pick Press Template a free blogger theme

Pick Press is a theme that is stepping up the game in the template area.  This is a fully responsive theme with a great layout and professional design.  It features a unique homepage with three circle spots on the top to change out and flows into two columns plus a sidebar to the right.  Good for a magazine, personal or photo blogging or reviewing the latest technology and if its meant to be share it will. The pick press theme comes social share ready with big icons on every post. We give this theme an A. 

Name: Pick Press Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: BloggerTheme9