Showing posts with label Templateism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Templateism. Show all posts

Viral Mag

Viral Mag Template
Viral Media Content Magazine

viral mag blogger template

Viral Mag for Blogger is a standout template that is turning simple blogger sites into full functioning popular viral websites.  This template simply turns your viral content into an organized and clean way for your viewers to see all that you have to offer without looking cheap.  This professional design, look and feel will have you up there with the rest of the best ranking websites.  Bring your best content because this could put you in the runnings with the best.   All you need to do is download and plug it in.  Viral Mag template features a big search bar that is becoming more popular now days.  The main menu is a bold, easy to use dropdown menu.  The feature section pops out immediately which is great for the more popular or new articles and then is followed by a regular two column feed. Social share buttons, pagination and related suggested posts comes on each page along with a share counter.  Viral Mag is a must see. 

Manual Blogger Template

manual blogger template
Manual Blogger Template
Document or Download Portal

Manual blogger template is a great template design for your document or download website. When we first previewed the manual template in a real site like you can do above, we were amazed and knew there was potential for something great.  The fact that a search bar is what stands out means you will need to have lots of content so that visitors can search your site.  Next you want to offer some kind of documents, online books maybe?  You can even offer apps, movies or programs to download and once they are plugged into your site, you can find them simply by the search bar.  This template is futuristic and has many great features that most document download portal templates do not.  This features a great menu that is drop down and sticky at the same time.  If they can find it in your organized categories and not have to use the search bar, then great.  Cool category spots so that readers can find documents and download easy.  The design is also clean and elegant so that readers can feel clear minded when visiting.  The related posts comes in a circle style which is different and makes it a little more sleek.  There is an author signature spot and social sharing that comes in an elegant style. There is comments so that readers can communicate and share their points of view.  Lastly there is a newsletter sign up in the footer however that can also be placed in the right sidebar.  Manual is a great template for documents and downloads. 

Writer Blogger Template

writer blogger template
Writer Blogger Template
Personal and Portfolio Template

Writer blogger template is a great template for those writers out there.  This responsive personal template will have you displaying your writing skills to the world in a professional setting.  Its the perfect combination to be found as a writer online.  Not only will the template you choose say lots about you, but if you have great skills as a writer it can only make the situation better.  Besides writing, this responsive template can also be used as portfolio display for your photography. The unique design that displays the featured pictures in posts so well is a plus when people are looking for great photos.  The photos inside the posts come to life and are huge for great display.  This is great for the portfolio viewers.  Writer blogger template is in great colors too.  You will find that its major browser compatible, responsive, seo friendly and a great drop down menu.  Want to see more?  Check it out with the live demo or download. 

Journy Blogger Template

Journy Blogger Template
Travel Journal Blogger Template

Journy Blogger Template
Journy Blogger Template is a very nice travel journal template.  Are you a big traveler and want your friends and family to have a way to keep up with you  very easy?  Then try this template on for size.  Instead of having a Facebook to keep all your pictures of your travels, let there be no restrictions at all and open it to everyone with a browser instead of a facebook, twitter or instagram account.  This template a full responsive template but works best on big desktops computers, laptops and pads or anything with a big screen because of the big pictures.  The template turns your website into a normal feed with two columns for post and a left sidebar.  The post feature a full page width so the pictures can be actual size and content and comment system have all the room you need.  Truly a great template for the travelers.
Name: Journy Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templateism
Installation: How To Install Journy Blogger Template
Premium Version: Yes
Premium Link: Journy Blogger Template

Awesome Mag Blogger Template

Awesome Mag Blogger Template
Free Responsive Magazine Template

Awesome Mag Blogger Template
Awesome Mag Blogger Template is a great design layout brought to us by Templateism.  With a name like Awesome it will have to be just that to live up to the hype and it really does.  Have you ever been to the website mashable and thought about making your own style of mashable?  Well now you can with this awesome template that is going to make it possible.  We first would have liked you to view it and preview it for yourself but then we thought it was too cool not to give you our few words so here they are.  This template is the full on magazine template you have been dreaming about.  It has a feature section for every post.  It has a cool post feed in the left side and a main feed for your more important articles in the middle and semi important to your right.  The main menu is very interactive and comes alive as a drop down and more because once you hover over it, the drop downs drop down and it shows a post preview with thumbs.  That feature is something that most templates don't do much of now days.  Once you dive into the post the right sidebar turns into a space for ads, html or your social network slots.  The left sidebar stays the same and feeds the posts with a thumb. One of the coolest features about this template is that it will feature a random article button so that your visitors will not have to choose but can be helped when trying to figure out what to read next.  The post will hold video, pictures, words and is also social share friendly and related posts enabled.  If you are going to start a big magazine site, then this is it.  This is the template you want!  With Awesome Mag Blogger template you are going to have one awesome site!
Name: Awesome Mag Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templateism
Installation: How To Install Awesome Mag Blogger Template
Premium Version: Yes
Premium Link: Awesome Mag Template Premium
Similar: Vortex Magazine, Perk Misty Blogger, Ocean Magazine

Geek Gadget Blogger Template

Geek Gadget Template
Technology Niche Template for Blogger

free tech blogger template
Geek Gadget is a free template for blogger from Templateism and its awesome.   From the name you can pretty much assume this template is going to be for all of those tech blog websites out there.  This template is great for those tech blogs that give information on all the geek gadgets.  Do you have a blog that features tech products or services and you write news, articles, reviews, etc. about them?  Maybe there is a new product that is going to hit the shelves soon and you have the latest info about it all and decide to post it to you site.  Now that you have Geeks Gadget template, you can do jus that and make it look natural.  This design was made for things just like that or maybe you have an informational site about blogger.  You may post things like how to show widgets on mobile platform, how to install certain templates,  how to change header tags or how to change the color of your background.  This template is ideal for that too.  This simple but serious layout is going to show your audience that your content is very important and that its good.  The layout of your template will back that up by not being too flashy and just rather a simply cool layout to hold your content.  Much like Google, the simple design is very powerful.  What is cool is that it will display your content in a strong business way.  Without a doubt, if the content is good, people will check back to your site to see what the latest update is and all they have to do is look at the serious blog feed.  Geek Gadget template was inspired by a wordpress style theme and if we were not told it was for blogger, we wouldn't know the difference.  This template is surely that crisp.  Would you like to have a sticky menu that shows logo and categories etc. at all times? This one has it.  It also has a right sidebar, SEO friendly, quick loading, ad ready and social sharing.  If you have a tech site weather it be service or products and even news, do your self a favor and use this free or premium template. It will be worth it!
Name: Geek Gadget Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templateism
Installation: How To Install Geek Gadget Blogger Template
Premium Version: Yes
Premium Link: Template Geek Gadget Premium (Remove Credit Link)
Similar: Glorious, Mblog Blogger, Ocean Magazine Template

Vortex Blogger Template

Vortex Blogger Template
Responsive Magazine Blogger Template

Responsive Magazine Blogger Template
Are you ready for the Vortex Blogger template?  We didn't think so and neither were we.  It took us until diving into this awesome template to really appreciate how unique and useful it can potentially be.  This design is truly like no other and when we say that its because its the first template on our site where it features two main menu bars if that makes sense.  One menu is to the left with all your home and kick out link pages which means its a drop down menu that doesn't drop down but expands to the side.  Meet that expansion is the top main menu with the drop down.  Again this has a powerful dropdown bar that will host your multiple categories in your massive magazine / news blogger website.  When you count it all up, it has five total columns and three of which are post with big thumbs, one that just features a flickr image feed for all the images in your site.  The left sidebar is the last but also very useful.  It falls in order and the design is very symmetrical.  The posts are numbered by their comments to the left of the thumb in which however many comments there are, that's how many will displayed in the counter.   You can click that number for a direct link to the comment section in the template.  You will think nothing but great thought about the like and tweet section, you're just going to have to check that out for yourself, words cant describe how cool it looks with the font.  The page is very intuitive, leaving the left sidebar in place while the rest of the pages scrolls.  The page is then filled with your normal post,  post author, related posts and comment section.  The footer can hold whatever widget you want, post your labels of post, a social follow, Facebook like or maybe another ad box, if you want it you got it.  This template is also SEO friendly, 100% responsive, Optimized for adsense and much more.  Enjoy this Free blogger template or the premium.  It comes in two ways.
Name: Vortex Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templateism
Installation: How To Install Vortex Blogger Template
Premium Version: Yes
Premium Link: Vortex Template Premium (Remove Credit Link)
Similar: Griddy Blogger, Cleansis Template, Trendy Responsive


BuzzMag Business Template

Buzz Mag Business Template

Free business template
Buzz Mag Business template for blogger is a great template for your business website to get their word out there, and by 'there' we mean to the traffic and or customers/consumers.  Do you have a big product launch that you want to put some information on out there?  Update a post about it with your new buzz mag template.  The idea of this template is to get people to remain engaged in your business long after they have used it or are planning to use it.  It can be the most valuable research page you have for your business on the web.  More examples would include if your business is starting a new product line or maybe you are hiring.  This piece of code is simply giving you the opportunity to link between customers and your business without selling them something directly all the time.  Although you can tweak it to be a bigger template/blog, its main design is simple and easy to use.  Two column, social sharing, main menu, right sidebar.  This free template also come in a premium package.
Name: Buzz Mag Business Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templateism
Installation: How To Install Buzz Mag Blogger Template
Premium Version: Yes
Premium Link: Buzz Mag Business Blogger Template

Similar: Hot Mag, Glooger, Absolute Template