Showing posts with label Themexpose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Themexpose. Show all posts

Blogus Blogger Template

Blogus Blogger Template
Timeless Magazine Blogger Template

blogus blogger template
Blogus Blogger Template is a professional responsive magazine template and is anything but blogus or bogus.  This template is a timeless piece of code that will turn your website content into a great magazine blog.  The great thing about blogus is the features it comes with such as a date and news ticker, latest post revolver, social share and site search with drop down menu all in the header part of the site.  The featured section fits together like a nice puzzle piece and is cool to see especially with magazine sites.  The posts are great and holds everything you needs and even has a bonus pop in suggested post box.  You can't go wrong with this template if you are looking for a magazine site.  Best of all this is an Seo friendly template. 

Trend Mag Blogger Template

Trend Mag Blogger Template
Responsive Fashion Magazine Blogger Template

Trend Mag Blogger Template
Trend Mag Blogger Template is a unique template in that it can be used for more than just a fashion blog however, it does make one great fashion blog.  Trend mag has a great layout and is similar to that of the tumblr layout themes.  It will feature a main picture and then a preview of the post and show up on the main page however it wont be symmetrically posted but rather in uneven spots here and there which gives the feeling that its a true feed and updated all the time.  You can get this template with another feed so that's three feeds on the main page or you can have the third feed become a right sidebar that will hold labels, popular posts, about the author and even ads.  A cool feature about this template is that it features a mega dropdown in which it is actually more like another post feed that comes from the drop down menu.  Try it, you'll like it.  The posts are normal posts with social share buttons and related posts buttons at the bottom.  Flickr image feed for all the fashion pictures you may take and host.  Big footer slots for whatever you want, you probably know how to use em.  Sticky menu. Elegant and clean look.  If you own a fashion blog, give this one a try! its worth it.
Name: Trend Mag Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors

Wagazine Blogger Template

Wagazine Blogger Template
Jam Packed Responsive Magazine Template

Wagazine Blogger Template
Wagazine Blogger Template is a master Magazine Template for Blogger.  This layout has a great design that will truly feature all of your content and then some.  The color of the site and the font will really make your website / blog pop out into something really special.  This template is not for small site however if you plan is to create a big magazine with lots of content or if you already have lots of content, then this will fit you perfect.  Its a full width template however the posts are less than half the page because of all the other offerings on the page but that's a good thing.  The top of the template will turn your sites header into a breaking news ticker and to the right of that will be your sites social follow icons.  Below that will be your logo and site name along with a spot ready for adsense or whatever ad program you use.  We don't just stop there, still inside the header box there will be a drop down menu for all the sites pages and categories along with a search bar to the right of that so if you don't find what you are looking for in the menus, news and categories, then do a custom search right then and there.  Below that and into the main blog feed of posts it will be split up into three columns of thumbs and posts.  Four if you want to get technical and consider the feature section its own thing because it does have a slider button to change posts.  Then below that will be a normal feed and to the right will be two nice sized feeds with thumbs.  All displaying the category and name of the post.  In all of that there is a great spot that will hold one sky scrapper ad that fits in like a Tetris game.  Think we are done there?  Nope.  Below the right hand thumbs there is an interactive sidebar with the option to page through three tabs so its really like having three sidebars in one.  Featured posts, labels or adspace can be used there.  Even then below that you still have a spot for html, picture, feed that is in a small box so you can use that as you wish.  Even with all of this we still are not done.  Remember when we said that this is a master magazine template? We meant it.  Before the footer starts there's is a slot for the adsense ads.  This fits perfect so that you don't have to mess with the code to fit your ads in and risk messing up your code and wrecking your site.  In the footer you can fit four spots of anything you want from ads, pictures to labels.  Diving into the posts it has social share, author section and all of the sidebars and thumbs remain sticky beside the main blog feed that will turn into your post along with the feature slider section. This free template even has a related post.  With all of this it would be hard to say that its SEO friendly but its Advance SEO friendly in that the design and code will reduce bounce rates and load fast.   To top it off we have Facebook and blogger comment section.  You could really not ask for much more from this one of kind magazine blogger template.
Name: Wagazine Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors

Trendy Responsive Blogger Template

Trendy Responsive Template

Free Responsive Blogger Template
Trendy Responsive is a perfect template with a great design and best of all it's free to use.  You can only get the name trendy if you are in fact just that.  This template is living up to its name by being the trend setter in the website world.  Bring your blog and its content to the next level with this great design that features a blog feed that is unlike most.  The feed here is a newer design with multiple posts in different places divided up by three different rows.  Its kind of like the tumblr feed.  It only goes down so far though although it does offer a next page feature.  The cool thing about the design on this template is that the left sidebar stays in place.  In the left sidebar you will see that it holds your social media following, search bar, your main menu and your title and description.  Want another sidebar?  You got one.  Once you click into a post you will see that not only does it have your left sidebar for your navigation but also a right sidebar that will hold whatever you decide to put in there like popular posts, ads, or your share icons. Trendy is full responsive, seo friendly, threaded comments and has an easy to use admin layout.  This template is bold, crisp set to impress and will never disappoint.  

Name: Trendy Responsive Blogger Template

Browser: Compatible with Majors

Hot Mag Responsive Blogger Template

Hot Mag Blogger Template

free magazine blogger template
Hot Mag Responsive template for blogger is a great template design brought to us by Themexpose.  Now days magazine websites are getting bigger and bigger with some many people flocking towards the internet to get their news, some people are taking the liberty to create website newspapers and magazines that fit their interest and they are finding out the right way that they are not alone in their interest.  With so many people sharing the same interests chances are good they will find your magazine about the favored topic and be a return reader, all you have to do is build it.  Like they say, If you build it, they will come.  That's the case online and we are giving you a template to give you a head start push.  Maybe you want to create a magazine about celebs or celebs kids?  Maybe your into cars and you like to review them?  How about local news? Why not think big and go to international news?  Whatever it may be, Hot Mag can hold your content and make it accessible in an organized, cool way.  The feature section is like that of any big popular blog mag website.  The feed posts and social sharing and follows are top of line and big.  Each post can hold a video and present it professionally and its all tagged accordingly.  This free template is sure to bring you to the next level of web development so make sure your ready to handle it.
Name: Hot Mag Responsive Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Templatexpose
Installation: How To Install Hot Mag Responsive Blogger Template
Premium Version: Yes
Premium Link: Hot Mag Responsive Template

Mini Mag Blogger Template

Mini Mag Blogger Template

Mini Mag template blogger
They say this is a mini mag template and sometimes huge things come in small packages.  This Mag template is capable of holding all your content and pictures and making it look like the new template on the block.  Its almost feels like a fresh set of ironed clothes put on after a shower, its a breath of fresh air.  Everything fits together and complements each other.  The drop down menus are amazing with a featured thumb and title list in each category.  The posts are amazing also with full width feature and comments are cool.  Spaces for quotes and social sharing. You can go wrong with this mag unless you make it your personal diary. Enjoy.
Name: Mini Mag Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Themexpose
Similar Template: Sora Style Blogger Template

Outfit Clean

Outfit Clean Blogger Template

Outfit Clean template is one awesome layout for blogging.  It has many cool and is ideal for personal fashion blogging.  It comes in two colors, white and black and is attractive in both styles.  The featured posts and latest post is a slider that makes it look not cheap.  Social share ready, SEO friendly so that natural organic traffic comes flowing.  Quick and fast to load with everything you need to show off to the world.
Name: Outfit Clean Blogger Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Themexpose
Installation: How To Install Outfit Template 

Fabulous Responsive Template

Fabulous Responsive Template

fabulous responsive blogger template
Fabulous responsive template is off the chain this year.  This template is great for all of those photography and or portfolio sites.  If you need to show off some skills weather it be your photography or you play a sport or just want some cool images and amazing pictures displayed, here is your template for doing so.  Its a full width template and easy navigation with a top right menu and a hidden scroll over menu.  Author signature and related posts with sidebar and comments are all full width so this template uses every inch it gets.
Name: Fabulous Responsive Template
Browser: Compatible with Majors
Responsive: Yes 
Platform: Blogger / Blogspot
Author: Themexpose